Background Problem Definition Theoretical Framework Design Steps Results Conclusion
The signals are important thing in the nature because they carry some information that needed by the living thing. The most effective method to reduce noise level from the signals is filtering.
Which method that better for digital filtering corresponding to the components and output signal waveform?
Lowpass Digital Filter Infinite Impulse Response has the impulse response with infinite number of samples.
The advantages of IIR digital filter : Less delay time. Produce an equivalent magnitude response using a much lower filter order. Easier to design and lower cost to build. The IIR digital filter consist of two types: Butterworth = no ripple in both passband and stopband Chebyshev = has ripple in passband or stopband
Direct Form I Direct Form II
Cascade Canonic Parallel Canonic
Butterworth Bilinear Transformation Impulse Invariance Step Invariance
Chebyshev Bilinear Transformation Impulse Invariance Step Invariance
Input signal with noise Required output signal Noise signal
Bilinear Transformation Impulse Invariance Step Invariance
For this case, the suitable filter type and method based from the simulation is the Butterworth type filter and bilinear transformation method, because the filter type and method preferred give the output signal nearby similar to the required output signal. Based from the required components to use, the Butterworth and Chebyshev filter with impulse invariance method use components at the least which only need two delays, one adder and three constant multipliers.
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