Emma Thomas 6 th period October 25 th 2011
Born on : January 19, 1809 Died on: October URL:
5 STORIES “The Tell-Tale Heart” “Never Bet The Devil Your Head” “The Man Of The Crowd” “The Fall Of The House Of Usher” “The Black Cat” 5 POEMS “Eldorado” “For Annie” “The Haunted Palace” “The Raven” “The Sleeper”
Edgar’s mom, Elizabeth, died when Edgar was just two years old. Edgar went to a foster home and was soon adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan. When Edgar grew up he went to the University Of Virginia in 1826, he started to drink and quickly became in dept. When he was only 18 years old he dropped out and joined the U.S Army in In 1829 his foster mother Mrs. Allan died, his foster dad tried to be nice to him and signed his application to West Point. Edgar moved to New York to find a job and to have some of his poetry published in Every single piece of poetry was rejected and he was already in financial trouble. He asked Mr. Allan for some money and Mr. Allan said no.
Mr. Allan finally died in 1834, and never once mentioned Edgar in his will, so Edgar got nothing. In 1835, Edgar finally got a job as an editor of a newspaper. He got that job because a contest he won with his new story, "The Manuscript Found in a Bottle”. Edgar fell in love with a girl named Virginia. It turned out Virginia was his cousin. After a couple years Virginia died of a deadly disease in Edgar became an editor at The Broadway Journal.
No one knows what really happened to the great poet. Some say he was murdered, others say it was a disease, but I think someone murdered him. I think someone was really jealous of Poe because of what talent he had with poems and stories.
My favorite story written by Edgar Allan Poe is The Tell-Tale Heart. The storyline is basically that Poe couldn’t stand to see this old mans hulk eye. He would get so mad at that eye. He made up an evil plan. The evil plan was to sneak into this old mans house every night at midnight and to shine a laser into that evil eye to get rid of it. But on night the old man woke up and Poe quickly shut off the laser/lantern and he still had his head in the crack of the door. He stood there for hours waiting for this old man to go back to sleep, but he never did. When he turned the lantern back on the hulk eye was wide open. He turned the laser back on and the eye finally exploded. The old man died, to cover up this body he cut the head, arms, and legs off and buried them under the floor. Poe had this disease so he had very good hearing. When people came to visit the old man Poe thought that they already knew, and he could hear a heart beet. It drove him crazy and finally confessed.
He shows suspense in this story because his tone of voice is changing, it sounds like he is crazy. You want to know what's next, what’s he going to do to the old man. He also shows imagery by explaining exactly what he did to the old man. His voice was scary and all I wanted was to keep reading on and on.
Poe is the father of modern day horror stories because he basically made up the word horror. Each story he did was scary and suspenseful but also had a great meaning to it. He told you what he felt in a scary story. And he told you his feelings. I connected with Poe a little bit. I really enjoy scary, suspenseful, crazy stories, and movies. I really enjoyed his stories. They were fun to read an I really enjoy scary, crazy stories. People think he was crazy, but I don’t care if he was because he was a great poet.
Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore “The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe” Last Update: (Dec. 12, 2010). Society Of Baltimore. (October 19th 2011). Giordano, Robert. “Biography of Edgar Allan Poe". An exploration of a short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. (27 June 2005). ( October 18th 2011).. Merriman C.D “Edgar Allan Poe” Biography written by C.D. Merriman (2006). Jalic Inc. (October 19 th 2011). Shmoop Editorial Team..”The Masque of the Red Death Symbolism”. Shmoop We Speak Student. (November 11, 2008). Shmoop University. (October 19th 2011).. SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Poe’s Short Stories.” Poe’s short stories. SparkNotes (2002)..