1 | Program Name or Ancillary Texteere.energy.gov Water Power Peer Review MHK Research, Tools, and Methods Richard Jepsen Sandia National Labs November 2, 2011
2 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Purpose, Objectives, & Integration The MHK industry is at a nascent stage of development and a recent surge of interest has produced over 100 new device concepts and designs for extracting energy from waves, tides, ocean and river currents. Improved testing, analysis, and design tools are needed to more accurately model operational conditions, to optimize design parameters, and predict technology viability. This will allow for existing analysis tools and methods to be evaluated and validated. In addition, new codes and materials will be developed and validated. Most importantly all these tools, formulations and test data will be accessible to industry. This project has direct applications to other projects in Reference Model Development and Market Acceleration as the tools developed here can be utilized to predict and guide performance metrics.
3 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Water Power Program Chart Water Power Energy R&D IV. MHK Technology 1.0 MHK Technology Development 1.1 MHK Technology Research, Design, Test & Evaluation MHK Technology Development, Deployment and Validation - Labs Technical Support of Marine & Hydrokinetic Technology SNL FOA Support for MHK Technology Research, Design, Test, & Evaluation 1.2 MHK Technology Assessment Technology & Project Database Maintenance MHK Technology and Project Database SNL Technology Classification Database Development & Maintenance to Support MHK Technology Assessmen t - Labs SNL and re vision Subcontract SNL Reference Model Development Turbine or Wave Converter Anchoring and Mooring Power Take- off and Grid Connection Inflow Bathymetry and Sediment Marine Life and Habitat Far Field Effects/Reservoir Economic Analysis Model Integration 1.3 MHK Research, Tools, and Testing Research Tools and Methods- Labs Supporting Research and Testing for MHK SNL (20064) Wave Energy System Design & Modeling Wave Energy Converter Device Modeling Array Performance Modeling & Optimization Wave Environment Hydrology Current/Tidal System Design & Modeling Current & Tidal Single Turbine Performance & Dynamics Modeling Current & Tidal Array Performance & Dynamics Modeling Ocean Current, River, & Tidal Hydrology for Inflow Modeling Current & Tidal Turbine Design System Reliability & Survivability Current and Tidal Device Reliability and Survivability Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Manufacturing Materials & Coatings Instrumentation, Testing and Evaluation Lab Evaluation & Testing in Large Open Channel Flume Test Protocol Development Instrumentation System Development Lab Evaluation & Testing Large Scale Test Assessment Engineering Support for Research, Tools, and Testing SNL Engineering Support for Research, Tools, and Testing Cardinal Engineering Support Technical Support Technical Support SNL MHK Tech Dev Technical Support Technical Support 2.0 MHK Market Acceleration 2.1 Environmental Impacts and Siting Environmental Assessment and Mitigation Methods for MHK Energy Tools and Methods to Measure/Predict Environmental Impacts SNL (20074) Effects on the Physical Environment Hydrodynamics Sediment Transport Dynamics Water Quality & Food Web Effects on Aquatic Organisms Acoustics V. Conventional Hydropower 3.0 CH Technology Development & Deployment 3.3 Supporting Research and Testing Supporting Research and Testing for Hydropower Water-Use Optimization SNL Hydropower Optimization Toolbox Optimization Tool set Testing and Demonstratio n Project Integration Seasonal Hydrosystems Analysis Sub- basin Model Framework & Scope Seasonal Forecasting and Optimization Algorithm Develop the Seasonal Hydrosystems Analysis Tool 4.0 CH Market Acceleration 4.3 Economic Analyses & Market Development Hydropower Grid Services Quantifying the Full Value of Hydropower in the Transmission Grid EPRI/SNL Hydropower Market Design Valuation of Grid Services Grid Services and Integration Modeling Developed with NREL Collaboration with NREL & ORNL Collaboration with NREL & PNNL
4 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Technical Approach Each analysis tool is being developed and/or validated against previously reported test results or new tests conducted with project funding specifically for this purpose. There are at least three unique tools being developed by Sandia that are not commercially available that aid in design and performance evaluation of MHK devices or arrays. In addition, there is a strong link to the Reference Model project in which each reference model serves as a benchmark case to apply and evaluate analysis tools. Finally, collaboration with NREL on high fidelity modeling and testing activities allows further validation for analysis tool performance metrics. For the Materials and Coatings testing, Sandia is collaborating with industry partners from coatings manufacturers to MHK developers to evaluate existing samples under various marine conditions. In addition, Sandia is developing unique anti-fouling coatings for MHK applications. In all cases, Sandia is working with ORNL to test adverse toxicity issues with each coating and material investigated.
5 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Plan, Schedule, & Budget Schedule: The following are significant milestones or deliverables for the project: Release and offering of training classes for SNL-EFDC Current and Tidal Array performance analysis. August, 2011 Release and offering of training classes for SNL-EFDC WEC performance analysis. August, 2012 Release of CACTUS (Code for Axial and Cross-flow Turbine Simulation) code for Marine Turbine performance analysis. September, 2012 Design, analysis and validation testing of high performance turbine. September, 2012 Report on evaluation of existing marine coatings. September, 2012 Report on evaluation of newly developed marine anti-fouling coatings. September, 2012 There are currently no foreseeable Go/no-go decision points for FY12 and FY13 Budget: The only variances from the planned budget are reductions for FY12 based on Program constraints. This has resulted in some incremental reduction across all activities and the removal of reliability efforts from FY12 plans. Other than reliability milestones, no other milestones or deliverables are affected for FY12. 73% of the budget has been invoiced Budget History* FY2009FY2010FY2011 DOECost-shareDOECost-shareDOECost-share $2,033k-$414k-$1,736k- *SNL budget only for direct costs and contracts to university partners. Does not include funding (~$650k) to other National Labs
6 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Accomplishments and Results The following highlights the most important technical accomplishments achieved during this reporting period: Preliminary implementation of WEC arrays in SWAN/SNL-EFDC model with validation testing for WEC array at OSU (with CPT) Application of AQWA/Simulink model for WEC on Reference Model (with OSU) Development, validation and release of SNL-EFDC for current and tidal turbine arrays. Development and validation of CACTUS with wind data set from vertical axis testing. Development and patent application for promising new coating technology. Successful testing and demonstration of high resolution shear stress measurement in Sandia SEAWOLF flume for wave sediment interactions. The project has been on schedule and on budget thus far and the progress suggests continued success in this regard. All of the above accomplishments have corresponding milestones that were completed on schedule and on budget
7 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Wave Device Modeling Single Device –Integrate Fluid-Structure interactions with performance modeling including PTO Device Arrays –Represent devices as reflection and/or transmission sink –Integrated into SWAN/SNL- EFDC No WEC Array 17 WEC Array
8 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov WEC Array Testing for Model Development and Validation Goal: In collaboration with OSU and Columbia Power, generate test data for WEC arrays to support code development and validation. Motivation: Once completed, this experimental test matrix will provide a basis for model validation and allow for a performance modeling tools for optimization WEC arrays
9 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov SNL-EFDC for Current and Tidal Array Performance – SNL-EFDC has been developed to include MHK devices as momentum/energy sinks – The model is partially validated with more tests planned in the laboratory and field (ORNL, UW, UM/SAFL) 0 Platform Spanwise Spacing = 12 Platforms per array row 27% more power per row than 1PH (for 100% more turbines) 44% more power per row than 2PH (for 200% more turbines) 1 Platform Spanwise Spacing = 6 Platforms per array row 23% more power per row than 2PH (for 50% more turbines) 31% more ‘platform average power’ per row than 0PH 2 Platform Spanwise Spacing = 4 Platforms per array row 40% more ‘platform average power’ per row than 0PH 13% more ‘platform average power’ per row than 1PH Flow Direction
10 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Single Turbine Modeling Single Device –Development of CACTUS Code for both cross flow and axial flow turbine analysis –Design and test of high performance turbine blade (with Penn State ARL and UC Davis)
11 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Turbine Testing Bucknell University: Model testing for foundation performance and scour Penn State ARL: Model testing for blade and turbine performance
12 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Materials and Coatings Montana State University Moisture Absorption Mechanical Testing on salt water immersed composites Fabrication
13 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Materials and Coatings Evaluated the first set of antimicrobial treated materials from Owens-Corning for their ability to mitigate biofilm growth and adhesion towards the marine bacteria, Cellulophaga lytica and Halomonas pacifica, and the microalgae diatom, Navicula incerta. No substantial reduction in bacterial or microalgae biofilm growth was observed for the experimental coatings. N. incerta C. lyticaH. pacifica NDSU Biofilm Characterization of Owens-Corning Also characterized all of SNL materials
14 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Materials and Coatings SNL Biofilm baseline measurements on commercial materials & coatings
15 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Challenges to Date The primary challenges for the project have been related to funding reductions and uncertainties. The project subtasks were prioritized such that the most mature and promising developments were maintained while subtasks such as reliability which will be more important in future years as deployments increase were removed.
16 | Wind and Water Power Programeere.energy.gov Next Steps Wave Analysis: –Wave design tools development roadmap –Further model development and validation for WEC arrays. Release 1 st version of SNL-EFDC model for WEC arrays end of FY12. Current and Tidal Turbine Analysis –Additional training planned for developers on a first come first serve basis –Validation testing in the field (with developer support) and lab for SNL- EFDC model –Water tunnel testing for blade and turbine performance validation (blade design and CACTUS performance) Materials and Coatings –Continued work on Owens-Corning, Verdant, Free Flow Power Biofilm Characterization –Sending samples to ORNL for Toxicity, ARL for cavitation –Continue to optimize synthesis of new anticorrosion/biofouling coatings