1 Conduct Rules Relationship – Master and servant Faithful, honest and possessed with good character Control the way of his working – prescribe rules Should be capable and work whole heartedly Bound by every lawful order Take proper care of the property Is accountable in matters relating to his employment
2 MISCONDUCT Is or may be prejudicial to the interests or reputation of his employer Is incompatible or inconsistent with the faithful discharge of his duties Is unsafe Is so immoral that the employee cannot be trusted Creates an impression that the employee is not faithful
3 MISCONDUCT Makes him open to temptation not to perform his duties faithfully Disturbs the peace at place of work Is insulting and reflects disobedience incompatible with servant and master relationship Reflects habitual negligence Is likely to cause serious consequences
4 General Provisions FR-11 – Whole time of the government servant is at the disposal of govt. GFR-6 – govt. money – own money – exercise same vigilance Restrictions even extend to Members of Family
5 General Conduct At all times to maintain absolute integrity, devotion to duty and do nothing which is unbecoming of a government servant Integrity – honest and purity – bonafide intentions Not only honest but also appear to be honest Devotion to duty Avoid habitual delay Do not do anything which is unbecoming of a government servant
6 Examples of Unbecoming Conduct Suppression of information regarding arrest or conviction Participation in proselytizing activities Bidding at auctions conducted by one’s own department Neglect of family Practicing untouchability Submission of joint representation
7 Examples of Unbecoming Conduct Lack of decorum during lunch hour Sub-letting Government accommodation Refusal to accept a charge sheet Disobeying an order of suspension Assault on another Govt. servant Possession of disproportionate assets
8 General Conduct / Restrictions Supervisory officers to ensure integrity of official under their control Act in ones best judgment Avoid oral instruction Act with promptness and courtesy Observance of Government Policy Prohibition of harassment of working women Employment of near relatives
9 General Restrictions Involvement in politics Politically neutral Prevent his members of family from taking part in subversive activities Joining of associations Association with electronic and print media Criticism of Government
10 General Restrictions Evidence before commission, inquiries Unauthorised communication of information Subscriptions Acceptance of Gifts Dowry Public functions Private trade or employment
11 General Restrictions Participation in strike etc. Gherao Mass casual leave or mass absentation from work Refusal to work overtime Go slow, sit-down, pen-down, stay in, which is likely to result in cessation or retardation of work Absence from work for participation in a bandh etc.
12 General Restrictions Subletting of Government accommodation Investments Insolvency Transactions in immovable and movable property Vindication of Acts Official act – prior permission Private acts – report to government Canvassing Marriage Consumption of intoxicating drinks or drugs
13 Dos Maintain absolute integrity at all times. Maintain absolute devotion to duty at all times. Those holding responsible posts – maintain independence and impartiality in the discharge of your duties. Maintain a responsible and decent standard of conduct in private life. Render prompt and courteous service to the public. Observe proper decorum during lunch break.
14 Dos Report to superiors the fact of your arrest or conviction in a criminal court and the circumstances connected therewith, as soon as it is possible to do so. Keep away from demonstration organized by political parties in the vicinity / neighborhood of government offices. Maintain political neutrality. Manage private affairs in such a way as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency. If any legal proceedings are instituted for the recovery of any debt due from you or for adjudging you as an insolvent, report the full facts of such proceedings to the competent authority.
15 DONTs Joint representation in matters of common interest. Indulge in acts unbecoming of a government servant. Discourteous, dishonest and partial behaviour. Adoption of any dilatory tactics in your dealings with public. Convey oral instructions to subordinates. Practice of unsociability. Association with any banned organisations.
16 DONTs Joint any association or demonstration whose objects of activities are prejudicial to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity o India, public order or morality. Expression to views on Indian or foreign affairs, while visiting foreign countries. Involvement in any unauthorised communication of any official document or information. Joining or supporting any strike.
17 DONTs Enter into any private correspondence with foreign embassies or mission / high commissions. Hospitality from any individual, industrial or commercial firms, organisations etc. Cost of passage to foreign countries or hospitability by way of free board and lodging there, if such offer are from foreign firms contracting with government. Invitation to you and members of your family for free inaugural flights offered by air India, Indian airlines corporation or foreign airlines.
18 DONTs Give or take or abet giving or taking of dowry or demand any dowry directly or indirectly from the parent or guardian of a bride or bridegroom. Accept gift from any foreign firm which is having official dealings. Canvassing business of life insurance agency, commission agency or advertising agency owned or managed by the members of your family. Lend money to or borrow money from or deposit money as a member of agent, with any person, firm or private company with whom you are likely to have official dealings. Pecuniary obligation with such person, firm or private company.
19 DONTs Approach your subordinate for standing surety for loans, taken from private sources either by you / your relations / friends. Undertake private consultancy work. Speculate in any stock, share or other investment. Purchase of shares out of the quota reserved for friends and associates of directors of companies. Bidding at any auction of property where such auction is arranged by your own office.
20 DONTs Stay as guest with foreign diplomats or foreign nationals n India. Invite any foreign diplomat to stay with you as your guest in India. Accept or permit your wife or dependents to accept passage money or free air transport from a foreign mission / government or organisation. Bringing any political influence in matters pertaining to your service. Consume any intoxicating drinks or drugs while on duty. Appear in public place in a state of intoxication.