PsA: Review of Available Assessment Instruments and Lessons from Trial Results Part II Christian Antoni Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg Department of Medicine III
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Outline Baseline characteristics of actual trial patients Joint count vs. joint score Used and not used assessment instruments MRI and Ultrasound
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 The IMPACT Trial Centers Kalden/AntoniErlangen, Germany Burmester/SchneiderBerlin, Germany Smolen/EbnerVienna, Austria Kirkham London, United Kingdom Keystone/GladmanToronto, Canada Kavanaugh/TutuncuSan Diego, California Weisman/WallaceLos Angeles, California Furst/MolitorSeattle, Washington WassenbergRatingen, Germany
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 IMPACT Inclusion Criteria > 18 years old PsA with peripheral polyarticular involvement for >6 months Typical psoriatic arthritis presentation with /without active skin lesions –Arthritis der DIP-Gelenke an Händen und Füßen –Arthritis mutilans mit Sakroilitis –Symmetrische Arthritis, klinisch wie die RA imponierend aber ohne RF –Asymmetrische Oligoarthritis mit Beteiligung der kleinen Gelenke (Wurstfinger) –Ankylosierende Spondylitis mit oder ohne periphere Arthritis (Moll and Wright 1973) Negative for RF
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 IMPACT Inclusion Criteria Active disease (5 joints and ESR>28, or CRP> 15, or morning stiffness > 45 minutes) At least 1 DMARD failure Stable DMARD dosing > 4 weeks, if applicable Stable prednisone <10 mg/day for 2 weeks Stable NSAIDS for 2 weeks
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Patient Population Psoriasis duration (mean)18.8 years –Mean age at diagnosis26.7 years Arthritis duration (mean)11.0 years –Mean age at diagnosis 34.4 years Concomitant DMARDs treatment (69/101 patients) –Leflunomide6 –Sulfasalazine8 –Methotrexate56 –Mean DMARD 1.85 all patients 2.09 Infliximab 1.86 Placebo
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Mean Baseline Activity PlaceboInfliximab Tender-joint count2024 Swollen-joint count1415 Physician global (0-100)5354 Patient global (0-100) 5752 Patient pain (0-100)5754 HAQ disability index (0-3) CRP (mg/L)2123
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Baseline PASI PlaceboInfliximab n = 52n = 52 Subjects with Any Skin n= 42n= 42 Involvement Subjects with PASI >2.5n = 18n = 21 Mean Baseline 7.96 ( ) 8.88 ( )
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results: PASI PlaceboInfliximab Mean PASI Baseline Mean PASI Week % Change of Mean-29.6%81.5%* > 75% Improvement1 subjects 14 subjects (0.05%) (67%)** *p<0.001 **p<0.0001
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 50 Results: PASI Placebo + InfliximabInfliximab Mean PASI Baseline Mean PASI Week % Change of Mean47.6%72.1%* > 75% Improvement8 subjects 12 subjects (44%) (57%)** *p<0.001 **p<0.0001
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Outline Baseline characteristics of actual trial patients Joint count vs. joint score Used and not used assessment instruments MRI and Ultrasound
Antoni N.Y. 8/03
Intra and Inter Observer Variability Intra-rater variability shows good correlation Hernandez-Cruz B, Clin Exp Rheum 199 “inter-rater agreement hardly exceeds the chance level when degree of tenderness is independently assessed” Hart 1985, Lewis 1988, Thompson 1991, Scott 1992
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Count vs. Score Tenderness
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Count vs. Score Swelling
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results: ACR 20, 50, 70 counts vs. score Percent of Patients Responding *p<0.0001
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Outline Baseline characteristics of actual trial patients Joint count vs. joint score Used and not used assessment instruments: –Clegg Criteria –ACR –DAS and DAS28 –HAQ and SF36 –RADAI MRI and Ultrasound
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Combined Indices Paulus Criteria (Arthritis. Rheum. 1990) ACR Preliminary Definition of Improvement in Rheumatoid Arthritis (Arthritis. Rheum. 1995) EULAR Criteria, "Disease Activity Index" DAS (J Rheumatol 1993) PsARC or Clegg Criteria (Arhtritis Rheum 1996)
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Clegg or PsARC Criteria Improvement is defined as: Improvement in 1 out of 4 criterias including one out of JTS or JSS –30% improvement in TJS –30% improvement in JSS –Patient Global on a Liquert scale (1 out of 4) –Doctors global on a Liquert scale (1 out of 4) For improved cases non of the 4 criteria is allowed to worse by the defined changes
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 ACR20 Criteria of Improvement 20% improvement in swollen and tender joints and 20% improvement in 3 of the 5 assessments: –patient’s assessment of pain (VAS) –patient’s globa assessment of disease activity (VAS) –evaluator’s global assessment of disease activity (VAS) –patient’s assessment of physical function (HAQ) –CRP or ESR
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Disease Activity Score (DAS) Composite Index incorporating: –ESR –Swollen joint count –Ritchie Index of articular tenderness (score) –Assessment of patient’s general health DAS28 (28 joint count) as reliable as DAS (53/44 joint count)
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 DAS 28 Tender joint count (28) Swollen joint count (28) ESR Patient Global (0-100 mm) DAS = 0,555 (28 TJC.)+ 0,284 (28 SJC.) + 0,70 In (ESR) + 0,0142 (patient global)
Lindenbaum-On-screen 23 EULAR Response Criteria DAS28 at Endpoint Improvement in DAS or DAS28 from Baseline 3.2 > 3.2 and 5.1 > 5.1 > 1.2 > 0.6 and 1.2 0.6 Good Moderate None
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Rheumatoid Arthritis: Patient 3 infliximab
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 20% ACR20 vs DAS28: same improvement, different level of disease activity
Antoni N.Y. 8/ ACR AUC 6.1 ACR AUC Same level of disease activity, different baseline value AUC ACR influence of baseline
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results PsARC *p< Percent of Patients
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results: ACR 20, 50, 70 Percent of Patients Responding *p<0.0001
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results Proportion of DAS 28 Responders Patients with a Good or Moderate DAS28 Response at Week 16 Percent of Patients
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Week 16 Results Proportion of DAS Original Responders Patients with a Good or Moderate DAS Response at Week 16 Percent of Patients
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 20 questions in eight categories of function: The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) Functional Disability Index (FDI) n dressing n arising n eating n walking n hygiene n reach n grip n activities aids, devices or help by another person
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Reduction of Efficacy parameters at week 16 ACR individual parameters Parameterbaselineweek 16change % Placebo/Infliximab Tender joint score:25/3127/14-30/62 Swollen joint score:17/1716/54/68 Patient Global VAS:56/5258/25-10/49 Patient VAS of pain:57/5458/22-3/55 Physician Global VAS:53/5553/20-5/61 HAQ:1.19/ /0.68/47 CRP:12/1211/2-23/62
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Medical Outcomes Study Short-Form-36 (SF-36) Generic health status measure containing 36 items on 8 different aspects of health 1 – physical functioning 2 – physical role 3 – mental health 4 – emotional health 5 – bodily pain 6 – social functioning 7 – generic health 8 – vitality
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 SF-36 Most widely used generic measure of health status Numerous methods of scoring and analysing the data Can be used in comparisons –between patients and the general population, –between severity groups and over time scores can be linked to a range of interpretations, including distribution and norm or anchor based
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 SF-36 RA Comparison European cohorts
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Patient vs. physician assessment of the patient’s health today RA? Best imaginable Worst imaginable Mean=3.8 +/- 2.1Mean=5.0 +/- 2.4
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 RADAI n Self Description The RADAI is a useful method as a complement to physician’s assessments in long-term observation studies n Rationale for use The questionnaire is short, easy to use, valid, reliable, and sensitive to change in disease activity EULAR Handbook of Clinical Assessment P-47
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Fransen et al (observational study in 584 patients with rheumatoid arthritis) n good test-retest-correlation ( ) n weak correlation with the ESR (0.27) n correlation with tender joint count 0.55 n correlation with physician´s global assessment 0.59 n correlation with DAS28: 0.56 Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity Index (RADAI)
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Mean RADAI RA by Country N=5173, mean = 4.11
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 RADAI vs. Tender joints in RA N=5084
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 RADAI vs HAQ in RA
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Outline Baseline characteristics of actual trial patients Joint count vs. joint score Used and not used assessment instruments MRI and Ultrasound
Antoni N.Y. 8/03
correlation MRI with joint counts Correlation with % change of Gadolinium uptake Tender Joint Scorer = 0,62p = 0,04 Swollen Joint scorer = 0,772p = 0,008 Physician evaluation of disease activity r = 0,82p = 0,006 Patient evaluation of disease activity r = 0,74p = 0,009 Morning stiffnessr = 0,639p = 0,027
Antoni N.Y. 8/03 Infliximab Reduces Inflammation in Psoriatic Arthritis MRI Scan of wrist – Gadolinium Uptake Week 0 Week 10 Antoni C et al. EULAR 2000.