1 Talent Management Presentation by: Norman McQueen Director of Talent Management Friday 24 th September 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Talent Management Presentation by: Norman McQueen Director of Talent Management Friday 24 th September 2004

2 Who are Wanadoo?

3 Talent Management is……. about creating an environment in which highly marketable people, who could leave you, choose to stay because this is the place where they can develop and play to their strengths

4 Talent Management The employer/employee relationship continues to evolve. In the next 10 years we will see people:- Wanting to take more control of their current employment needs Wanting to know how they make their best contribution to a company in the shortest time, so they can prove themselves and move on Determine their own work/life balance supported by their current company’s flexible working approach Identify with brands and needing to share an organisations values and beliefs Being increasingly mobile across Europe Having transferable benefits i.e..pensions Expecting their organisation to excel at customer service; proud to work for the company

5 Talent Management in Wanadoo Talent Resourcing and Environment Internal Communication Talent Development Talent Support

6 Talent Management –Vision A cohesive bunch of experts delivering on our promises –Purpose To source talent, to maximise potential and provide a framework to enable Wanadoo to be the No. 1 Internet company in the UK

7 Talent Management Company Goals –EBITDA + other financials – D’Artagnan – Customer Experience – Broadband Service Operator

8 Talent Management – EBITDA + other financials Recruitment costs to be kept to an average of £4,500 per recruit Retain Talent ( cost of recruiting is 1.5 X Ave Salary x Turnover ) Keep all salary increases to maximum of 4% Ensure TM Budget is not overspent Deliver New Building costs within Budget

9 Pie chart example1 – D’Artagnan Deliver workstream deadlines and budget on time – Customer Experience Contact Programme Consultative Group Opinion Survey – Broadband Service Operator Develop Organisational Structure Build Job profiles and skill requirements Ensure the right people with the right skills are in the right jobs at the right time

10 Talent Management People Market Place and the Competition for Talent Individualisation and Friendship Joining a like minded company – being part of a family Identifying what people / skills we require for WBBE – Attraction of New Talent We recruit against our values and capabilities in order that the organisation can deliver the customer centric focus: however, Values are the priority Grow our own capabilities therefore have new entry level schemes i.e. A-Level entrants; work placements Fast access at work to health products and services Ensure delivery of Candidate SLA

11 Talent Management – Retaining Talent Everyone in Business to have at least one contact with TM after initial joining meeting (Surgeries) Talent Review and Succession Planning Career Management Mobility across group Mentoring Scheme UK investors in people T & D Content Management System

12 Talent Management How do we encourage and get buy in from our people? – Building our DNA ( Deliver Now Attitude ) Remove barriers to success – Organisation – Systems – Processes – Leadership – Capitalising on Talent We maximise individuals performance by everyone understanding and buying into: – Company Strategy and Objectives – Their personal objectives and how they fit into the above – How the customer centric focus is a real differentiator in our business

13 Talent Management – Capitalising on Talent Ensure that the organisation structure has the right skills in place to deliver the Wanadoo Broadband Europe strategy Implement the Management Development and Leadership Programme for our senior team and other managers that supports them delivering against their strategy and objectives – Values Positive Generation Proximity, Optimism, Willingness, Simplicity – Value Workshops – Change Initiator Workshops

14 Talent Management Wanadoo as ‘The Leading European Broadband Operator’ Group strategy touches every associate Brand and employer values pull together European organisation – no barriers to success Inspiring leadership – recognise and celebrate success Benefits lead the industry

15 Talent Management Vacancies and opportunities across the Group FT Secondments Management Development Succession Planning/ Talent Review E-HR including Knowledge Management Employees as Stakeholders

16 Talent Management Tips and Techniques think about the outcomes you need as a business and harness your talent directly to what you need to deliver Build job roles around each individual’s strengths rather than fit them into complex competency lists Offer your employees the opportunity to say how they would like to contribute to success Focus on 3 areas of talent management and create a strategy for : –Attracting talent, capitalising on talent and retaining talent

17 Talent Management Tips and Techniques Build your strategy to your values and your business plan Identify talent across the business and develop a sophisticated programme of development for them Consider using mentoring as a mechanism for getting alongside your talent