eNanny: Child Tracking App Andrew Manalo Kevin White CS237 – S15
Motivation Children are more mobile than ever with sports and activities keeping them busy outside of the home. Parents need a simple way to keep track of their children that is reliable, accessible and discreet.
Goals Use existing technology to create an inexpensive means to monitor a child’s location Provide a secure, unobtrusive way for parents to ensure children remain in an area parents are comfortable with.
Approach Cell phone use among school-aged children is increasing, providing an existing platform on which to create a solution.
Solution An Android app can easily be installed on parents' and children's phones to allow for near real-time monitoring of children’s location.
Platform Android phones running an app that communicates between the two devices. Phones will be set up via wifi to add security. Child phone will send GPS updates to parent phone which are mapped on the UI. Child messages could be encrypted to obfuscate data to potential eavesdroppers. Pub/sub and direct communication will be explored for communication between devices.
Related Work Understanding Android Security, by William Enck, Machigar Ongtang and Patrick McDaniel. Pennsylvania State University Generation M 2 Media in the Lives of 8 to 18 Year Olds. A Kaiser Family Foundation Study Peer to Peer Communication on Android-Based Mobile Devices: Middleware and Protocols by Waheb A. Jabbar, M. Ismail and R. Nordin. Electronic and System Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Middleware MAC for Android, by Stephen Smalley, Trusted Systems Research, National Security Agency FollowMee Location Tracker: Canary,
Testing Validation of the project will include testing the product in various states. States can include: Performance in low-power situations Recovery from lost network connectivity Ability to block unwanted additional monitors