Advanced Heat Recovery System Engineering & Science Research Building (ESRB) Economic Analysis Refrigeration Cycle Turbocor TT400 Compressor ESRB constructed in 2004 $16 million to build Laboratory space for engineering research Laboratories require 54,000 CFM of ventilation air No recirculation, 100% outdoor make-up air Plans for water-glycol heat recovery system put on hold Currently no heat recovery system installed Will outperform a water-glycol system Average savings of $5.50 per hour Annual savings of $24,000 Five year investment return Variable speed two stage centrifugal compressor Levitating magnetic bearings do not need lubrication Extremely quiet operation Economizer port to increase efficiency Capable of very high coefficient of performance (COP) Takes advantage of latent heat of vaporization to transport heat Evaporator coil reclaims heat from warm exhaust air Condenser coil rejects heat to cold make-up air The university’s steam plant is responsible for heating over 80 buildings on campus. The steam plant burns 64,000 barrels of No. 6 fuel oil per year resulting in 320 million lbs of steam. At a cost of approximately $35 per barrel this equates to $2.24 million per year spent on heating. The installation of heat recovery systems on campus could greatly decrease the university’s heating bill. As a result the money saved could be used to fund other projects. As of right now it costs roughly $96,000 a year to heat the ESRB. Without a heat recovery system a large amount of energy is wasted on a daily basis. With a direct expansion heat recovery system installed the heating cost could be cut to about $72,000 per year saving the university $24,000 annually. Its is important for a heat recovery system to be installed not only to save the university money, but to also decrease the amount of No. 6 fuel oil burned. On a cold winter day the University of Maine burns 600 gallons of No.6 fuel oil every hour. When burning No.6 fuel oil, like all fossil fuels, it produces large amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is a green house gas and is one of the largest contributors to global warming. Another disadvantage of No.6 fuel oil is that it contains 2% sulfur (S) which, when burned, produces sulfur dioxide (SO2). In the atmosphere sulfur dioxide can form sulfuric acid which contributes to acid rain. No. 6 Fuel Oil Thick tar-like oil Cost $0.83 per gallon 151,000 BTUs/gallon 2% Sulfur Use regulated by the EPA ESRB Mechanical Room Located in attic of ESRB Supplies ventilation air for labs Steam heating coils heat ventilation air in the winter Chiller absorber used for cooling ventilation air in the summer Three 30 hp fans ventilate the laboratory space The Barrows Hall Engineering and Science Research Building addition was completed in 2004 and contains 51,000 square feet of laboratory and office space. The addition uses 54,000 CFM of outside ventilation air for the laboratories. This amount of ventilation air is necessary to satisfy OSHA regulations. OSHA mandates high ventilation air rates for laboratory spaces to quickly remove any volatile substances from the lab environment. Plans for the building called for the installation of a water-glycol heat recovery system. The air handler units and exhaust ducts were outfitted with spaces for heat recovery coils, but a system was never installed. This project proposes the installation of a direct expansion heat pump heat recovery system. This system will recover heat from the exhaust air and reject it into the incoming ventilation air. Direct expansion heat pumps take advantage of the latent heat of vaporization allowing it to outperform a water-glycol system. Team Members: Andrew Kitchen, Benjamin Thompson, David Mousette, Shane Dow Advisors: James Labrecque, Justin Poland