Developing and Supporting World Language Teachers Across the Career Continuum Moderator: Peter McWalters, Interim Strategic Director for Education Workforce, CCSSO Panelists: Kathleen Paliokas, Director, INTASC, CCSSO Marty Abbott, Director of Education, ACTFL/NCATE Thomas Keith Cothrun, Associate Director of World Languages and Cultures, College Board
Talent Management Cycle: Teachers/Principals Shared Children First Values 2. Competencies Attitudes and behaviors Teaching practices Leadership competencies
©Council of Chief State School Officers
Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) A program of the Council of Chief State School Officers
INTASC Model Standards First published in 1992 Adopted by, adapted by, or influenced the teacher standards in most states as well as NCATE Capture what teachers need to know, be able to do, and hold as dispositions –Per the INTASC reps from the states, these standards have stood the test of time, but need updating to address changes since 1992
INTASC Core Principles #1 - Subject Matter Knowledge #2 - Child Development #3 – Diversity #4 - Instructional Strategies #5 - Learning Environment #6 – Communication #7 – Planning #8 – Assessment #9 - Reflection/ Professional Dev #10 - Collaboration
INTASC’s Standards for Beginning Foreign Language Teachers Released in June 2002 Drafted by 18 practicing foreign language teachers, teacher educators, and state and local supervisors from across the country Address what all foreign language teachers across all languages should know and be able to do Aligned with INTASC’s core principles, NBPTS’ standards and NCATE standards
System Impact of the INTASC Model Standards for Teachers of Foreign Languages Changes in Teacher Preparation Changes in Teacher Licensure/Induction Changes in Professional Development and Teacher Re-Licensure Impact on both traditional and alternate routes to certification and licensure
Updating the INTASC Core Standards The committee has addressed –How learners have changed: access to/facility with technology, growing diversity, growing ELL needs; expectation of engagement, relevance and collaboration; greater need for differentiation –How the expectations for what learners will need have changed: 21 st Century knowledge/skills, especially collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, technological savvy; more effective formative assessment to support student development
Work of the Revision Committee Original standards were phrased in formula of “Teachers need to know X and do Y, so that students can do Z” Revision keeps that formula, but starts with students—who they are, where they are coming from, what they need, how they learn, and what we are preparing them for. Focus on student engagement and voice, interactive learning
Some issues How to both reflect changes since 1992 in expectations for effective teaching practice AND help to lead the profession into the 21 st century? –How far to push practice with the standards How to write standards that acknowledge that the roles of teachers and learners are changing and need to change so that learning is more student directed and students are more responsible for their learning... –Not negate the role of teacher but embrace a different paradigm
Policy issues How do these standards deal with the interaction between teacher practice and school structure and culture? What policies would best create a climate where these standards would guide the profession, beginning with teacher preparation and new teacher support and assessment, but also guide professional development across the professional lifespan?
ACTFL/NCATE Program Standards for the Preparation of New Teachers – Six content standards – Sixteen supporting standards – Supporting explanations – Rubrics – Evidence
Program Standards Describe: Knowledge of foreign language content and pedagogy Skills in planning, teaching, and assessing Professional dispositions (attitudes, beliefs about foreign language teaching and professional growth)
Language, Linguistics, Comparisons 1.a Demonstrating language proficiency 1.b Understanding linguistics 1.c Identifying language comparisons
What are the Major Levels? How are They Defined?
Intermediate Survival Proficiency Has sufficient language to express own meaning Engages in simple conversation Can deal with a simple social transaction Asks and answers questions
Advanced Limited Work Proficiency Speaks with confidence Can narrate and describe in all major time frames Can elaborate, clarify, illustrate Can handle a situation with a complication “The Story Teller”
Cultures, Literatures, Cross- Disciplinary Concepts 2.a Demonstrating cultural understandings 2.b Demonstrating understanding of literary and cultural texts and traditions 2.c Integrating other disciplines in instruction
Language Acquisition Theories and Instructional Practices 3.a Understanding language acquisition and creating a supportive classroom 3.b Developing instructional practices that reflect language outcomes and learner diversity
Integration of Student Standards into Curriculum and Instruction 4.a Understanding and integrating student standards in planning 4.b Integrating student standards into instruction 4.c Selecting and designing instructional materials
Assessment of Languages and Cultures 5. a Knowing assessment models and using them appropriately 5. b Reflecting on assessment 5. c Reporting assessment results
Professionalism 6. a Engaging in professional development 6. b Knowing the value of foreign language learning
Rubrics Approaches standard: awareness level Meets standard: knowledge / teaching performance at a satisfactory level Exceeds standard: in depth knowledge / systematic approach to teaching
What designations are there? Nationally recognized Recognized with conditions Further Development Required
To view and download the sample assessments from the ACTFL website Go to Site Map/Special Programs/NCATE/Appendices to the Program Report Appendix F: Sample Assessment #1 (Content Knowledge) Appendix G: Sample Assessment #2 (Content Knowledge) Appendix H: Sample Assessment #3 (Planning Classroom-Based Instruction) Appendix I: Sample Assessment #4 (Evaluation of Student Teaching) Appendix J: Sample Assessment #5 (Effect on Student Learning)
National Board Certification National Research Council (NRC) affirms that National Board Certification has had a positive impact on student achievement, teacher retention and professional development Strengthens practice Helps students succeed Demonstrates leadership skills Helps expand influence and expertise Advances careers Provides portability Offers higher salary potential Enhances education
Five Core Propositions Teachers are Committed to Students and Their Learning Teachers Know the Subjects They Teach and How to Teach Those Subjects to Students Teachers are Responsible for Managing and Monitoring Student Learning Teachers Think Systematically about Their Practice and Learn from Experience Teachers are Members of Learning Communities
World Languages Other than English Standards 2 nd Edition I.Knowledge of Students II.Knowledge of Language III.Knowledge of Culture IV.Knowledge of Language Acquisition V.Fair and Equitable Learning Environment VI.Designing Curriculum and Planning Instruction VII.Assessment VIII.Reflection IX.Professionalism
Certification Process Portofolio Entries Analysis of and reflection on student learning based on small and large group work with students that is supported by video recordings of classroom teaching Analysis of and reflection on student learning using student work samples Documented accomplishments of working with families and the community, colleagues and the profession and evidence of how that work impacts student learning Assessment Center Responses to six 30-minute constructed response exercises that demonstrate subject-matter expertise