PARSING FACEBOOK DATA FOR ANDROID 1. Step by Step  Import Android SDK  Get the hash key  Create a new app  Create a new project in Eclipse 


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Presentation transcript:


Step by Step  Import Android SDK  Get the hash key  Create a new app  Create a new project in Eclipse  Setting android layout  File Class in Package Folder  Edit AndoidManifest.xml  Run your app! 2

Import Android SDK  Download Android SDK from  Import SDK to your workspace 3

Get the Hash Key  Download and extract OpenSSL from windows/downloads/detail? windows/downloads/detail?  Get the path location of OpenSSL/bin  Get the path location of debug.keystore from android folder C:\Users\User\.android 4

Get the Hash Key (cont.)  Open cmd  Change root in command line with path location of Java jre. example :  Write this command Example : keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %HOMEPATH%\.android\debug.keystore | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64 keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore “C:\Users\User\.android\debug.keystore”| “C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl” sha1 -binary | “C:\OpenSSL\bin\openssl” base64 5 Path debug.keystore Path openssl.exe

Get the Hash Key (cont.)  Will appear hash key in command line. Save the hash key. 6 Hash key

Create a facebook app  Open link facebook developer.  Create a New App. 7

Create a facebook app (cont.)  Save App ID. We will use the ID in androidmanifest.xml (setting for android) 8

Create a facebook app (cont.)  Go to 'Settings' in the left navigation, then click on the 'Add Platform' button, and select Android. Add the debug hash key from previous step.  Change button Single Sign On to “Yes” 9

Create New Project in Eclipse  When you create new android application, dont’ forget to use package name that you have written when create a facebook app (previous step) Minimum android SDK for facebook API 10

Create New Project in Eclipse (cont.)  Right click at the project, then choose Properties  Go to ‘Android’ in the left nav and add facebook SDK library 11

Create New Project in Eclipse (cont.)  Add tag string app_id from previous step to res/values/string.xml 12

Create New Project in Eclipse (cont.)  Copy all file above to your libs folder.  We use Parse library from to easier access facebook 13

Setting android layout  Open /res/layout/main.xml. Edit the code 14 Graphical layout main.xml

Setting android layout (cont.)  Make new userdetails.xml file in res/layout 15 Graphical layout userdetails.xml

Setting android layout (cont.) 16

Setting android layout (cont.) 17

File Class in Package Folder  Add new LoginActivity class (you can copy the code but dont forget to change package name in first line of the code)  This activity will call the facebook login and ask permission from the user.  This activity also call parse libraries to parsing data user with JSON.  You can setting the data you will access in list permission. For more information facebook data that allowed to access can you see in api/reference/user api/reference/user 18

File Class in Package Folder (cont.)  Add new class (you can copy the code but dont forget to change package name in first line of the code)  This class is to show result of parsing data.  Add new class (you can copy the code but dont forget to change package name in first line of the code)  This class will connect Parse Library to your class. 19

Edit AndoidManifest.xml  This application need to connect with internet. So you need to add some permission tag  The activity must initialize in tag application and add meta-data tag 20

Run the application  Now, your application ready to run ! 21