SIAM – International Harmonization Group Status of Regulation Movement: Update on AIS according to UNR Updates Prashant K Banerjee Co-Chairman SIAM – International Harmonization Group 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) Contents Updates on Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) New AIS under Discussion Formulation of New AIS Revision of Existing AIS A B C 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
New AIS under Discussion Sr. No. Subject Standard 1 Type Approval of Small Series vehicles AIS XXX 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Type Approval of Small Series vehicles Provisions for Approval of Vehicles produced in Small Series and for individual Vehicle Approvals are currently under use in Europe as a part of Whole Vehicle Type Approval Directive 2007/46/EC. The Directive lays down the applicable standards/regulations for such approvals and also maximum No. of Vehicles that can be put into service in one year, per Category of Vehicles. This Type Approval Procedure shall be applicable to models (including their variants and versions) of motor vehicles of categories M, N, L and quadricycles It covers approvals for Small Series, Individual Single Vehicles and Vehicles produced or imported under Pilot/Demonstration Projects. Vehicle Category Annual Domestic Production (for each model including its variants and versions) A B C1 C2 M1, N1 250 1 20 up to 100 Units M2, M3, N2, N3 10 up to 50 Units L and Quadricycles 40 up to 200 Units 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Formulation of New AIS Sr. No. Subject Standard 1 Trailer Code AIS 113 Motor Caravan AIS 124 4 Ambulance Code AIS 125 5 Adaptive Front- Lighting Systems (AFS) AIS 127 6 Light Emitting Diodes (LED) AIS 34 Part 3 7 End of Life of Vehicles (ELV) AIS 129 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Trailer Code B Trailer manufacturing being an unorganized segment in the country, there is a compelling and long-felt need to upgrade this segment to enhance its efficacy and safety aspects as well. Standard lays down the requirements applicable to Trailers of Category T, viz. T1, T2, T3 and T4 used to transport goods, being towed by motor vehicles of N2 and N3 category. Technical Aspects covered in the code are: General requirements for dimensions, axle loading, external projects, RUPD, LPD, Spray Suppression systems etc. Installation of electrical systems like electrical couplings, lamps, light and light signaling devices, reflective tapes etc., Compliance to brake standards and maneuverability. Requirements for safety critical components such as fifth wheel coupling, fifth wheel king pin, tow hook, landing gears, towing jaw, draw bar couplings, tyres, wheel rims Interchangeability and Compatibility. 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Motor Caravan B Background: Tourism Ministry has announced a policy for promotion and development of Caravan Tourism in India as a niche sector. In general, construction of caravans require second stage of manufacturing. In India such vehicle alteration is considered as violation of Motor Vehicle Act. Motor caravan manufacturers are facing difficulty in registration of caravans due to lack of clear guidelines. Accordingly AIS 124 was prepared which lays down the type approval requirements applicable to motor caravans of category M. This standard is applicable to: a) Motor caravan manufactured by vehicle manufacturer. b) Motor caravan which are built by motor caravan body builder on registered vehicle which is not older than 3 years. 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Ambulance Code B Salient features of Proposed Ambulance Code – The Global Scenario Salient features of Proposed Ambulance Code – Constructional & functional requirements Care ergonomics & Patient Safety Provisions on medical devices Road ambulances classification into four types – A, B, C & D ( “First Responder”, “Patient Transport”, “Basic Life Support” and “Advanced Life Support” respectively) ‘First Responder’ category also includes 2 wheeled ambulances has been specially introduced for the first time Draft Notification under preparation (Proposed lead Time – 2 Years) 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS) B Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS) AFS i.e. Adaptive Front‐lighting System means a lighting device providing beams with different characteristics for automatic adaptation to varying conditions of use of Dip beam & if applicable the main‐beam Classes of passing beams w.r.t to conditions; C Class for the basic passing beam V Class for use in lit areas such as towns E Class for use on roads such as motorways (highways) W Class for use in adverse conditions such as Wet road It consists of "system control", one or more "supply and operating device(s)", if any, & "installation units" of the right and of the left side of the vehicle 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Component Requirement Component Requirement Component Requirement light emitting diode (LED) B Draft AIS on LED includes only replaceable LED light sources aligning with ECE R128 incorporating one type of LED light source i.e. dual function LR1 light source. Existing Installation Standard to be Modified suitably to avoid confusion within replaceable and non‐replaceable light sources Inclusion of replaceable LED light source in AIS‐037 & Amendment to CMV rule 124(4) for bringing it under AIS 037 FILAMENT LAMPS Component Requirement AIS 034 (Part 1) Rev 1 GAS DISCHARGE LAMPS Component Requirement AIS 034 (Part 2) Rev 1 LED LAMPS Under Formulation Component Requirement AIS 034 (Part 3) Rev 1 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
End of life vehicle (ELv) B End of life vehicle (ELv) Vehicles produced around the world use millions of tonnes of resources such as Metals, Glass, Plastic Compounds, Rubber and Synthetic Materials, Leather and Fabric etc At the end of life of every vehicle or after scrapping of the Vehicle, these materials are again released back to the Nature In India, a substantial amount of vehicles (including old Vehicles, Vehicles undergone accidents, orphan/abandoned vehicles) are scrapped every year, however it is done mostly through the unorganized sector and currently no standardized procedure exists for such activities Based on the Regulations/Directives already implemented across Europe and other countries, Government of India decided to formulate such Standard which will take care of the following: Collection and dismantling of End-of-Life Vehicles - Under Ministry of Heavy Industry Heavy metal restriction, dismantling information- to be provided by the Vehicle Manufacturer Type Approval of vehicle with respect to Re-usability, Recyclability and Recoverability (RRR) - Under MoRTH 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Revision of Existing AIS C Sr. No. Subject Revised Standard Reason for Revision 1 Vehicle Alarm Systems (VAS) AIS 076 Amd 1 - To align with ECE R116 - Inclusion of Non Rechargable Battery as an additional power source to VAS 2 Procedure for Type Approval and Certification of Vehicles for Compliance to CMVR AIS 017 Rev 01 - To align with 2007/46/EEC To Include Definitions of New Models, Existing Models, Type, Variant, Version To include Special Purpose vehicles 3 Hybrid Electric Vehicles Amendment No. 2 to AIS-102 (Part 1) - Changes in technical requirement to add Off Vehicle Charging range. 4 Electric Power Train Vehicles– Fictional Safety AIS-038(Rev 01) - To align with ECE R100 Revision 2 -Amendment 1 - For driving cycle selection more clarity is given based on maximum speed of vehicle and category of vehicle. 5 Electric Power Train Vehicles– Measurement of Electrical Energy Consumption AIS-039(Rev 01) - To align with UN ECE R101 Rev 3 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Revision of Existing AIS C Sr. No. Subject Revised Standard Reason for Revision 6 Electric Power Train Vehicles - Method of Measuring the Range- UN R101 Rev 3 AIS-040(Rev 01) - To align with UN ECE R101 Rev 3 - For driving cycle selection more clarity is given based on maximum speed of vehicle and category of vehicle 7 Electric Power Train Vehicles Measurement of Net Power and The Maximum 30 Minute Power AIS 041 (Rev 01) - To align with UN ECE R85 Rev 1 - Measurement of 30 Min Speed of Vehicle is removed 8 External Projections AIS 120 - To align with ECE R26 Supplement 01 to 03 series of amendments. 9 Spray Suppression Systems AIS 013 Rev 01 - To align with EEC Directive 91/226/EEC - For inclusion on N1 & N2 ≤ 7.5 T 10 Information on Technical Specifications to be submitted by the Vehicle Manufacturer AIS 007 Rev 5 - To include implementation of new regulations like bus body code, anti theft - To include technological upgrades like DRL, TPMS etc - Addition / Deletion/ Modification to suit requirements 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
Revision of Existing AIS C Sr. No. Subject Revised Standard Reason for Revision 11 Survival Space for the Protection of the Occupants of the Cab of a Commercial Vehicle AIS 29 - To align with supplement 2 to 02 series of amendment to UN R 29. 12 Offset Frontal Collision AIS 098 - To include hybrid III dummy guideline specification 13 Metallic Fuel Tank AIS 95 - To amend the requirements of fixing fuel filler caps to make them applicable for M2 derived from M1 14 Bus body Code AIS 52 Amd 4 - To include emergency exits requirements and to address certain fire safety provisions 15 Truck code AIS 93 Rev1 Safety provision Up gradation 16 Speed limiting Device AIS 018 Amd 4 To incorporate the following : With regards to approval of SLD &SLF, TA Certificate / CoP / test reports / extension reports shall be issued by same agency who has issued TA 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
JAMA SIAM Lets work together with a closer cooperation on Advanced and Future Regulations on a continual basis! 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014
THANK YOU Mr Prashant Kumar Banerjee Head- Homologation & Product Evaluation TATA Motors Limited, Pune, India Ph No : 020 -66132477 , Mob : 9850052187 Fax : 020 -66131960 Email id : 9th SIAM-JAMA Meeting ,Goa 30th October 2014