242/102/49 0/51/59 181/172/166 Primary colors 248/152/29 PMS 172 PMS 137 PMS 546 PMS /206/ /227/ /129/123 Secondary colors 114/181/204 PMS 148 PMS 7458 PMS 7457 PMS /79/75 PMS /166/143 PMS 487 © 2011 MediaMind | A Division of DG | All rights reserved July 2, 2013 inAPP Ad Enabler Training
242/102/49 0/51/59 181/172/166 Primary colors 248/152/29 PMS 172 PMS 137 PMS 546 PMS /206/ /227/ /129/123 Secondary colors 114/181/204 PMS 148 PMS 7458 PMS 7457 PMS /79/75 PMS /166/143 PMS 487 © 2011 MediaMind | A Division of DG | All rights reserved Ad Enablers – An Introduction Overview ▸ Common API for mobile rich media ads to run in mobile apps ▸ There are numerous Enabler SDKs – many of which are now supported by MediaMind ▸ Enabler APIs generally support ad interactions such as expand, collapse, click-through and video ▸ Use of Enablers will prevent creatives from having their code re-written and updated every time it needs to run within a different app Enablers to Review: ▸ MRAID 1.0 ▸ DFP Premium (Based on MRAID 1.0 with slight adjustments) ▸ mOcean (Based on MRAID 1.0 with slight adjustments) ▸ ORMMA (released by R&D team… picked up by Custom Dev)
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved inAPP Support for MRAID 1.0 inAPP Support for DFP Premium Overview: ▸ Provide inAPP support for MM Expandable & Banner ads running in an MRAID 1.0 or DFP Premium environment ▸ DFP Premium supports MRAID 1.0 for iOS & Android 4.0+ ▸ Functionality supported includes expand, collapse, click-through ▸ Released Sept 2, 2012 within MediaMind Platform Test Apps: ▸ MRAID: CNN (iPhone/iPad), inMobi (Android, iPhone), Sound Hound (Android, iPhone) ▸ DFP: DFP test app (iPhone, Android), Major Issues resolved prior to release: ▸ Click-throughs not showing up in reports ▸ Support for MRAID close button/hotspot (Template updates) ▸ Interactions sent multiple times ▸ Final queued up interactions not being sent out ▸ Custom click-throughs not working New EB Command Module ▸ EBCMD module setup for inclusion in creative (see slide)
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved inAPP Support for mOcean SDK Overview: ▸ Provide inAPP support for MM Expandable & Banner ads running in an mOcean environment ▸ App provided by mOcean allows different ad ids to be entered for testing ▸ Functionality supported includes expand, collapse, click-through Issues resolved this sprint: ▸ Determined that mOcean expandable ads could not be set up as MRAID placements even though mOcean was based on MRAID ▸ mOcean had positioning issues different than MRAID that needed to be addressed
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Expandable Format (Support EBCMD Module) Overview ▸ Expandable format maintained on the Custom Development portal ▸ Portal includes workspace, demo link and documentation ▸ Updated to include EB Command Module ▸ EB Command module handles events sent to creative for expanding or collapsing the ad (as seen with MRAID inAPP Expandable ads) ▸ Updated workspace should be used for all expandable ads going forward Demo Link
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved ORMMA Support Key Highlights: ▸ Trained by R&D with ORMMA support in Nov ▸ Review of functions overridden in ORMMA.js ▸ Building and testing of ORMMA workspace ads within the ORMMA testing site on Safari Browsers ▸ Not provided with ORMMA test apps, but have trouble-shooted ORMMA test apps in the past year
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Setting up Enablers in Platform Overview: ▸ Download the appropriate creative from Quickbase ▸ For expandables, modify the creative to either use a custom close button or the default MRAID/DFP close button (with MRAID/mOcean, default close button can be hidden, but not for DFP) MRAID Default button will be hidden but may be shown with the following creative code: additionalConfig = { useCustomClose: false }; ▸ Put ad in mobile placement and select appropriate application (see image)
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Known Issues / Open Issues MRAID ▸ After doing a click-through, the landing page is often loaded inside the banner ad (in addition to opening a click-through window) 1. As seen in GreyStripe iOS App 2. Problem tracked down to an R&D change with the function EB._openWindowIfNeeded() … consulting with R&D on the next steps ▸ Click-throughs are being counted as interactions 1. As seen in Rhythm New Media iOS app (Still waiting on app to perform our own testing… have made changes & re-tested with Certification)
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved ORMMA ORMMAReady() adConfig.openWindow = false openPage() expand() collapse() MRAID (default close button or custom close button) useCustomClose mraidExpand iframeCCRef._sendMessage("collapseAd", {}); DFP (not support android under 4) override showOnlyImage for android devices mOcean (positioning issue fix using bocAlign) use boxAlign style on body tag EBCMD module Known Issues MRAID click-through is not tracked correctly Click-through is open in both App and placement Coding Topics to Review
© 2011 MediaMind | A division of DG | All rights reserved Banner Expand half wayFix expansion Tips use Fiddler to redirect the resource files for the debugging always check to see if ormma, mraid is available alert() and log may not available in App, create a div for the debug output instead remove App to clean up the cache in App video support is not available for current enabler Case Study