Transport EU and urban mobility Gabriel Vladut European Commission DG Mobility and Transport CIVITAS Initiative MODERN Project Coordinator Ro4Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

Transport EU and urban mobility Gabriel Vladut European Commission DG Mobility and Transport CIVITAS Initiative MODERN Project Coordinator Ro4Europe

Transport Urban mobility is currently focused on passenger cars, running on fossil fuels. Consequences:  Many urban areas suffer from severe congestion  Climate change issue: urban mobility accounts for 23% of CO 2 emissions from transport  Health issues related to ambient air quality (NOx, PM emissions)  Urban road accidents still account for some 40% of all road fatalities (approx. 11,000 per year) 1. The starting point

Transport Transport is a competence of the Member States and urban mobility is primarily a local responsibility But local authorities should not be left alone There is a long tradition of EU support: 2.1 Policy framework 2.2 Funding for implementation 2.3 Funding for research and innovation 2.4 Facilitating the exchange of experience and best practice 2.5 Awareness-raising 2. What the EU can do and does

Transport Action Plan on Urban Mobility (2009) - implemented Transport White Paper (2011) – pending Halve the use of conventional (fossil fuel) vehicles in urban areas by 2030, phase them out by 2050 Achieve CO2 city logistics in major urban centers by Urban Mobility Package (Dec 2013) – published Review of the Action Plan on Urban Mobility Public consultation Stakeholders consultations Impact assessment study 2.1 Policy framework

Transport The Urban Mobility Package Provides a basis for a continued debate across the EU Calls for action from the Member States Reinforces EU support Exchange of experience and best practice Funding for implementation Funding for research & innovation (Horizon 2020) Gives further help for cities to develop SUMPs Gives recommendations for coordinated action in specific areas : Urban logistics, Urban access regulations, ITS deployment in urban areas, Urban road safety

Transport Setting up of an urban Mobility Scoreboard Setting up of a Member States Expert Group on Urban Mobility Improvement of the ELTIS website Exchange of experience and best practice

Transport Member States are invited to: assess their current urban mobility and develop an approach that ensures coordinated action at national, regional, and local level review the tools put at their disposal, including the concept/content and process for developing a SUMP that was published as part of the Urban Mobility Package Help for cities to develop SUMPs Development of a SUMP can help a city to render urban mobility more efficient and sustainable

Transport Member States are invited to: Ensure that urban logistics is properly considered in their approach to urban mobility and within SUMPs Create platforms for cooperation, exchange of data and information, training, etc. for all actors of the logistics chains The Commission will: Improve the dissemination and uptake of urban logistics best practice Prepare, with experts, guidance documents that provide practical assistance for improving urban logistics Facilitate procurement of clean vehicles, e.g. by improving the Clean Vehicle Portal Coordinated action in urban logistics Urban logistics is crucial for the functioning of cities

Transport Member States are invited to: Conduct a thorough review of the effectiveness of existing schemes Provide a framework for local authorities to design, implement, and evaluate urban access regulation schemes The Commission will: Foster an exchange with MS and experts on urban access regulations across the Union, including conceptional foundations, practical implementation, effectiveness and impacts Prepare, with experts, guidance that can help cities implement access regulation schemes effectively Coordinated action in urban access regulations Increasing the number of urban access regulations (e.g. green/environmental zones)

Transport Member States are invited to: Follow the Guidelines prepared by the Urban ITS Expert Group Develop proper interfaces between urban and interurban transport networks. Set up interoperable multimodal datasets gathering all information about urban mobility. The Commission will: Review legislation on access to traffic and travel data Prepare specifications on Real-Time Traffic Information and Multimodal Information Services, as foreseen by the ITS Directive Facilitate the deployment of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to- infrastructure communication systems in urban areas Coordinated action in urban ITS ITS offers great potential for improved and new mobility services and better infrastructure use But needs: interoperability; integration; no gaps

Transport Member States are invited to: Ensure that urban road safety is treated as a horizontal priority in Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning Ensure proper gathering of data on road safety indicators at the most detailed level. The Commission will: Gather and disseminate good practice examples for road safety planning. Analyse measures for reducing the number of serious road traffic injuries in urban areas Coordinated action in road safety But 11,000 fatalities on urban roads: often vulnerable users (cyclist and pedestrians). Many more injured

Transport 2.2 Funding for implementation Most important source: European Structural and Investment Funds (ERDF, ESF, Cohesion Fund)  Some 8 billion Euros were allocated for urban mobility projects over  This support continues over  The amount for urban mobility projects is unknown at this stage but is expected to be higher than over  Urban mobility can be addressed especially under:  Thematic objective 4 "Low-carbon economy" (promotion of sustainable multi-modal mobility)  Thematic Objective 7 "Sustainable transport"  As part of "integrated action for sustainable urban development" (Article 7 of the ERDF Regulation)  The Commission and the Member States develop national operational programmes based on the specific situation of each region and country

Transport 2.2 Funding for implementation Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) funds for TEN-T projects (Trans-European Transport Network)  Objective 3: actions impelmenting transport infrastructure in nodes of the core TEN-T network, including urban nodes  Actions to support the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure  Actions to promote the market introduction of solutions for vehicles powered by clean fuels  Calendar for upcoming calls:

Transport 2.2 Funding for implementation Other sources: EIB (European Investment Bank) loans and other financial products INTERREG programme, for regional sustainable development projects LIFE+ programme, for sustainable development projects  The work programme includes a Thematic priority on "Air quality and emissions, including the urban environment"

Transport 2.2 Funding for implementation - For more information: ESI Funds:  View the eligible zones in your country  Get the contact details of the managing authority in your country CEF funds for TEN-T projects: htm htm  Find out about the priority projects in your country  Access the latest calls for proposals EIB: procedures/index.htm INTERREG: LIFE+:

Transport 2.3 Funding for research and innovation The programme for is called Horizon 2020 and includes: 1.Mobility for Growth - Urban (= CIVITAS 2020): 100 M€ for 2014/ Mobility for Growth – Infrastructure: 35 M€ for 2014/ Green Vehicles: 160 M€ for 2014/2015 The calls for 2014/2015 were published in Dec 2013 In addition, there is support for research & innovation for hydrogen under the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking

Transport Up until now: city-led demonstration activities Some 60 cities have benefited from EU support for testing some 700 urban mobility measures CIVITAS initiative

Transport CIVITAS initiative – How to get involved? 1.Submit a proposal under Horizon Join the Civitas Forum network of cities (free)  Over 200 member cities 3.Join a thematic group (free)  In 10 specific areas 4.Apply to the activity fund  Supports take-up activities (1st call was in Feb/April 2014) 5.Join a regional network 'CIVINET' if available in your region/country  Spain+Portugal, French-speaking, Italy, UK+Ireland, Netherlands+Flanders, Slovenia+Croatia, German-speaking, Hungary, Czech Republic+Slovakia, Poland

Transport Budget (€ Mio) 2014 Budget (€ Mio)* 2015 Call 'Mobility for Growth' 374, Aviation Rail Road Waterborne Urban40 66,5 6. Logistics ITS Infrastructure19 17,5 9. Socio-economic and behavioural research 8,5 5 * provisional Horizon Mobility for Growth

Transport Horizon Mobility for Growth MG5 Urban (= CIVITAS 2020) 2015 TOPICS: MG 5.4 Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities (2 stages) Promoting take up of SUMPs through information exchange within large networked groups Capacity building among local stakeholders on planning, implementation and financing MG 5.5a & 5.5b Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility (2 stages and single stage) City-led consortia composed of four to five cities, led by at least two 'leading cities' Set of complementary and reinforcing mobility solutions – subset of CIVITAS measure categories Impact and process evaluation using common framework on basis of clear baseline Wide range of activities can be covered (incl. take up, research, support to local policy and planning) Support Action to facilitate cooperation and evaluation for this topic, and across CIVITAS 2020 Submission deadline 31 March 2015 (2 stages, stage 1) or 27 August 2015 (single stage)

Transport Horizon Mobility for Growth MG 8.2 Infrastructure 2015 TOPICS: MG 8.4a: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation Submission deadline 31 March 2015 (stage 1) MG 8.4b: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation Submission deadline 27 August 2015

Transport * provisional Budget (€ Mio) 2014 Budget (€ Mio)* 2015 Call 'Green Vehicles' Horizon Green Vehicles

Transport Horizon Green Vehicles 2015 TOPICS: GV 6: Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission GV 8: Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid Submission deadline 27 August 2015

Transport 2.3 Funding for research and innovation – For more information: Horizon 2020 programme: Horizon2020 calls: ht tp:// unities/h2020/ ht tp:// unities/h2020/ Horizon 2020 participant portal: tml tml  View the rules for participation  find potential partners CIVITAS website: Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking:

Transport Urban Mobility Portal Eltis:  facilitates exchange of information, knowledge and experiences  aimed at individuals working in transport and related disciplines Clean Vehicles Portal:  gives detailed and comparable data on clean vehicles available on the market and classifies them according to their life cycle costs  aims at supporting institutions procuring vehicles Mobility Plans website:  informs about Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and offers guidelines on how to develop and implement such plans Studies on specific issues: an_en.htm an_en.htm 2.4 Exchange of experience and best practice

Transport European Mobility Week in September Some 2000 local partnerships registered every year, but many more cities involved 'Do The Right Mix' campaign promotes multi-modal mobility advertising in six countries and funding for local campaigns EU-award schemes with press communication Civitas Award Mobility Week Award SUMP Award (linked to Do The Right Mix) 2.5 Awareness-raising

Transport MODERN Project  Public Authorities - Municipalities  Public transport authorities  Research Centres  Universities  NGOs  SMEs 22 Partners conected at Municipalities from: (3) Craiova, Romania, (4) Brescia, Italy, (5) Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, (6) Coimbra, Portugal And support units from: (2) Belgium (2) Italy Craiova – The first Romanian Municipality who coordinate a CIVITAS consortium at European level

Transport Results; systems implemented 9 efficiently-driven trams with reduction of energetic consumption 40 vehicles endowed with interior display system 5 stations endowed with electronic display system 107 vehicles endowed with E-ticketing and GPS / GPRS systems 45 vehicles endowed with interior video surveillance system 10 video surveillance systems in stations and/or intersections Access restriction policy and closing center solution New schemes for freight distribution Infomobility tools for fleet management Flexible services and tools for industrial area; car-pooling solution MODERN Project

Transport We can put at yours disposal pilot projects – (Final reports on measure results) developed trough CIVITAS / MODERN project in the fourth cities: Brescia – Italy, Coimbra – Portugal, Vitoria–Gasteiz – Spain and Craiova – Romania for your analyse. All the pilot projects includes a cost-benefit analyse that can show you the sustainability and the benefit of each pilot project. Interested? Please contact: MODERN Project

Transport Development Of RegiOnal clusTers for researcH and implementation of environmental friendlY urban logistics Dorothy Project is targeted to develop the potential of innovation & research in the 4 Regions: Tuscany - Italy, Valencia - Spain, Lisbon & Tagus -Portugal and Oltenia – Romania in the field of Urban Logistics. The specific objectives of the Project can be synthesized as follow: -To define lines of research and innovation for the Clusters compliant with the specific technological and territorial specializations. -To address the research-driven clusters in the four Regions toward common developments and collaboration through networking activities. -To set up the full exploitation of the results of the researches. -To ensure the spread of knowledge through high quality dissemination and stakeholders involvement. -To define Joint Action Plans (JAP) for the four Regions, with the active involvement of the Regional Authorities and Agencies -To mentor the start-up of the research clusters

Transport Cluster research and development for urban logistics by means of smart specialisation strategies and creation of competitive niches - Joint Action Plan development and implementation. Greening transportation and resource-efficient innovative solutions using information and communication technologies (ICT) and intelligent transport systems (ITS). Launching cooperation and mentoring activities as contribute to the internationalisation of clusters’ companies or research institutes and to enhanced institutional visibility and search for governance models. Green Urban Logistics Innovative Clusters

Transport Better Quality of Life in European Cities Dorothy’s clusters - existing and new ones - promote the development of solutions and policies to improve the citizens life quality. Clusters and therefore the Dorothy’s clusters represent the means to gather innovations and solutions in order to implement smart specialisation on a regional scale. Clustering around innovation

Transport The importance of urban logistics can be seen from different points of view: Urban logistics is directly related to City life. The economics of European towns is strictly connected to the commercial network. The efficiency of the logistics chain is a pre-requisite for the survival of the economic activities in the city centre. To ensure goods feeding to towns means to improve and to preserve cities life itself, even if this process is costly and complicate. Given that the freight distribution is largely concentrated in the city centres, the traffic generated by the distribution of goods is significant and impacting. To limit this impact, generally the time window to access the central areas of the cities is restricted to some hours, preferably in the first hours of the morning.

Transport The benefit is related to its economic dimension. A reduction of the time needed for the distribution can produce very high savings in the overall cost of the urban goods distribution. The limitation of the costs of the urban goods distribution will have a beneficial effect on the general cost of life, as it will have a lower incidence on the final cost of goods, so that a social benefit could come from these improvements. The rationalization of the freight distribution process will have a good impact on the liveability of the cities. Rationalization of urban logistics could reduce significantly the energy consumption; improuving the quality of life, reducing the environmental impact. The improvement and the rationalization of the urban logistics need not only organizational actions, but technological innovation too, new products and processes, for some cities new concepts.


Thank you for your kind attention! Contact: Gabriel Vladut tel: ;