UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation - Experience, vision and future Case Finland Ronald Wiman Senior Advisor on Social Development Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Department for Development Policy
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Contents Vision 1990: A Society for All Current Finnish policies Some practices Evaluations and lessons learned What to do next Guide to knowledge resources Background: UN-DESA initiative already in the 1990s
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Vision 1990 In a Society for All the needs of all citizens constitute the basis for planning and policy. The general system of society is made accessible for all. By accommodating its structures and functioning to the needs of all, a society mobilizes the potential of all its citizens, and consequently, strengthens its development potential.... The concept of A Society for All encompassing human diversity and development of all human potential, can be said to embody, in a single phrase, the human rights instruments of the UN. Report of the UN Secretary-General to the 49th GA ( 1991)
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation The New Development Cooperation Policy of Finland 2007, Some Highlights A Global perspective Comprehensive approach to development: –Economic, ecological, societal, cultural –Comprehensive social/societal policy –Think globally - act locally Eradication of poverty through ecologically, economically and socially sustainable development
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Cross-cutting Themes (CCTs) in the Policy –Gender equality; –Social equality; –Rights and equal opportunties of vulnerable groups incl. people with disabilities, children, indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities – HIV/AIDS as a health and societal challenge
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Finnish 3-track Disability and Development Approach (2004) 1. Mainstream disability as a cross-cutting quality issue in all sectors and accommodate people with disabilities on basis of the equal & universal Human Rights Approach ( re: The Convention) 2. Complement universal provisions with targeted, additional support and services to equalize access and opportunities for people with disabilities 3. Empower people with disabilities collectively to help them have a stronger voice (support DPOs) and access to decisionmaking
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation A Long Track Record by Finland on Disability-sensitive Policy Coherence Support to intergovernmental organizations Communiques by Nordic Countries Ministers for Development Cooperation 2000 and 2005 and follow up (2009) Finnish Government Report on Disability (2006): Rights-based approach; all sectors responsible Disability included as crosscutting issue in development policies The Convention will be ratified EU-positions on disability supported
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Examples of Disability Mainstreaming Initiatives Cooperation with the UN (DESA) in 1990s resulted in the Manual on Inclusive Planning and radiated into the 1995 Social Summit themes Support to the Word Bank to include disability aspects to PRSP sector analyses (expetise and trust funds) Sector-specific mainstreaming in bilateral cooperation: e.g. inclusive education initiatives (e.g Ethiopia, South Africa, the Balkans) EFA (Education for All) flagship for inclusive education secretariat at the Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland Global Partnership on Disability and Develoment (GPDD, funded with Italy, Norway and the World Bank) Disability component included in the training at the Ministry DPOs as contracted expert bodies in project appraisal and implementation - nothing about us without us
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation The Main Stream Is Still Disability - Specific Activities Gov funding (ODA) channeled mainly through NGOs/DPOs Preferential treatment: Disability projects by NGOs/DPOs require only 7.5% own funding (others 15%) In bilateral assistance ups and downs Some earmarked funding to multilateral organizations Headquarters of the Ethiopian Disabled Womenss Association (c) RW
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Evaluations: A Self-Critical Look at Policy and Practice Goverment Evaluation Unit audit concerning the cross-cutting themes (2009) : –Expertise of DPOs used well and their ownership created But disability-specific activities are not mainstreaming –Mainstreaming, can it be outsourced? Ultimate responsibility for Human Rights cannot be outsourced? –Isnt every agency responsible for mainstreaming? But everybodys responsibility is nobodys responsibility. –Good intentions have not always materialized (- in Finland, either). But: Lessons learned are now being implemented
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation GOAL: FROM STAND-ALONE DISABILITY PROJECTS TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTAL INTERVENTIONS The beneficiaries and agents of action of the Ethiopian micro-credit scheme of the CBR -network (CBR= Community Based Rehabilitation) (c) RW
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Why Good Policies Tend to Evaporate? What to Do? Make strategic decision at high level as part of the mainstream Managing for Results (MfR) - framework (Paris Declaration, Accra Agenda for Action on Aid Effectiveness) Revise management framework –Responsibilities –Accountability –Resources and capacity building –CCT support team to be established –Terms of Reference of Quality Assurance Board to be revised Revise guidelines for programme design and all documentation –Terms of Reference (TOR and procurement guidelines) –Include CCTs in all steps (stakeholder analyses and impact assessment) –Include Price Tags and Budget Lines in plans –Establish indicators, monitoring and evaluation procedures
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation A Recent, Very Good Toolbox Make Development Inclusive IDDC / CBM for the EU Commission - A how to practical manual on mainstreaming (2009) - Step-by-step advice on including the disability perspective in EU Project Management Cycle (PCM) The on-line PCM toolbox at development.org/cbmtools/ development.org/cbmtools/
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Steps towards Implementing Mainstreaming Make a Decision Connect it with mainstream policies and priorities Manage for Results and enforce accountability Provide tools for desk officers, train and support Get organized for the above Budget realistically Monitor and evaluate Learn from mistakes Do not overdo! Be aware of what is relevant in each intervention. The best can be an enemy of the very good.
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Contact Details Ronald Wiman Senior Social Development Advisor KEO-20/ Department for Development Policy Ministry for Foreign Affairs Katajanokanlaituri 3 P.O.Box 511; FIN Government, Helsinki, Finland Tel: ; GSM:
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Reference Material (1) Convention (ICPRD) implementation toolkit by DPI: Label us Able. Evaluation of Finnish Development Cooperation from the Disability Perspective. Min. for Foreign Affairs, 2003 Making PRSP Inclusive.by HI and CBM (2007) Make Development Inclusive. How to include the perspectives of persons with disabilities in the Project Cycle Management Guidelines of the EC by Christoffel-Blindenmission (CBM) 2009
UN-DESA CSocD Side-Event Mainstreaming Disability in Development Cooperation Reference Material (2) Wiman, R (ed): Disability Dimension in Development Action. Manual on Inclusive Planning. STAKES for the UN (1997, 2000, 2003) Wiman, R, Voipio, T, Ylönen, M (2007): Comperhensive Social Policies for Development in a Globalizing World. Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Finland Working on Disability in Country Programmes. DFID How to Note (2007)