Planning for Councils as Youth-Adult Partnerships (Putting It All Together) Extension Council Youth Leaders (ECYL) Topic #7 Produced by the Council Leadership Development Committee ― Missouri Council Leadership Development - a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension (c) 2007 University of Missouri Board of Curators. Updated October University of Missouri Extension does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or status as a Vietnam-era veteran in employment or program. Funding for this project was made possible by a grant from the Surdna Foundation and the National 4-H Council.
Extension Council Youth Leaders (ECYL) Topic #7 Learning Objectives: Relate the seven components of a council implementation plan. Define the team’s implementation plan for the county. Identify a plan for celebrating council accomplishments and recognizing youth/young adult contributions.
Council Implementation Plan Components Review your team’s action steps from each of the previous six training topics: 1.Educating your council about YAPs. 2.Making the most of the five generations. 3.Revising bylaws, adopting job descriptions. 4.Recruiting, selecting youth representatives. 5.Removing barriers for young adults. 6.Identifying, equipping mentors to work with youth/young adults.
The 7 th Component: Recognition & Celebration How will the Extension council celebrate its accomplishment of adding youth/young adults to the group? How will youth/young adults (and mentors) be recognized for their contributions to the Extension council?
The 7 th Component: Recognition & Celebration ECYL Recognition Packets County Program Director fills out the ECYL Recognition Form by Dec. 1 Packets mailed to county offices by Feb. 1 Local councils present to youth/young adults at banquet or other meeting Packets include acrylic award and personalized letter from MU Extension leaders
Planning for Councils as YAPs Action Step… List out each action step from the seven topics on the Action Planning handout. Determine who from your council will be responsible for each and record name(s) next to the actions. Write down targeted dates for when each step in the plan will be completed.
What questions do you have about your action plan and next steps? Did you wind up with a S.M.A.R.T plan for your council to implement ECYL? How do you feel about the progress your team has made?
Congratulations! You have completed the Extension Council Youth Leadership Training Module.
County Extension Council Training Module Extension Council Youth Leadership (ECYL) Produced by the Council Leadership Development Committee a partnership of the Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council and University of Missouri Extension Funding for this project was made possible by a grant from the Surdna Foundation and the National 4-H Council.