What is the GLP?
GLP GLP = Good Laboratory Practice OECD Principles on Good Laboratory Practice What is the OECD?
The Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development : OECD Intergovernmental organization 30 industrialized countries Meet to co-ordinate and harmonize policies. Discuss issues of mutual concern Work together to respond to international problems.
The purpose of GLP The principle of Good laboratory practice (GLP) : to promote the development of quality and validity of test data used for determining the safety of chemicals and chemicals product.
Definition of GLP GLP is a quality system concerned with the organizational process and the conditions under which non-clinical health and environmental safety studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, archived and reported.
Scope of principle of GLP GLP should be applied to the non-clinical safety testing of test items: Pharmaceutical product Pesticides product Cosmetic product Food additives Feed additives Industrial chemical in the Laboratory, in greenhouses or in the field
Type of tests physico-chemical properties Toxicological studies designed to evaluate human health effects Ecotoxicological studies designed to evaluate environmental effects Ecological studies designed to evaluate environmental chemical fate (transport, biodegradation, and bioaccumulation) Ref.No. 6
What is a difference between GLP & ISO 17025?
ISO 17025 VS GLP ISO Members The same standard for all ISO Designed for repetitive studies Description of Quality System in Quality Manual OECD Members Different regulations in different countries Designed for single studies Description of Quality System in SOPs
ISO 17025 VS GLP General statements for responsibilities of personnel No specific requirements for storage of records and reports Very specific responsibilities of personnel Specific requirements for storage, retention and archiving
ISO 17025 VS GLP No study plans required (standardized methods should be used) Written operating procedures without specific format Study plan required for each study SOPs with detailed requirements for format and content
ISO 17025 VS GLP Analysis methods must be verified through inter-laboratory test (PT) Documented complaints procedures Storage of test samples and data until client accepts results Validation through inter-laboratory tests not required In case of problems, only course of law Storage of test samples according to local regulatory requirements
Monitoring Authority The OECD-member Israel South Africa
OECD Series on Principles of GLP and Compliance Monitoring OECD Principles of GLP: No.1 Guidance Documents for Compliance Monitoring Authorities : No.2, 3 & 9 Consensus Documents : No.5-8, 10 & 13 Advisory Documents of the Working Group on GLP : No.11, 12 & 14 http://www.oecd.org