NH SINI 4 Restructuring Schools Moving from Assessing to Planning February 16, 2011 Online Meeting *So far so good! You're seeing this slide, so you've logged on! Now, check your audio: Go to "Tools » Audio » Audio setup wizard" & follow the steps. * For additional help, call Debbie Krajcik:
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting2 Welcome ! Purpose of the meeting Desired outcomes Agenda overview Introductions
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting3 Elluminate Pointers If you have speakers only with no microphone, you will hear the webinar and will need to use the chat box to the left of this slide to ask any questions or make comments. You will be muted during the session unless otherwise indicated. If you have a question or a request, type it into the CHAT box in the left panel of the screen select the recipient (dropdown box) and click SEND (Note– you can chat privately with the host or publicly with EVERYONE using the dropdown list) PRACTICE using the CHAT box: Type your name, school, and a greeting. We will be recording this webinar and will inform you when the recording starts. If you can’t resolve the problem, call Debbie Krajcik at ( ) to help get you reconnected.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting4 Step 4: Assess Current Practices What? Compare your practices to indicators of effective practice Why? Identify strengths and gaps Q: What did you find was an area of strength? Q: What area(s) revealed the greatest gaps between current and ideal practice? Team StructureAssessment Principal’s RoleDifferentiation Professional LearningInstruction Alignment – C, I, AManagement
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting5 What now? Typical list = indicators to be included in the plan, BUT YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL!!!
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting6 Making Sense of Assess ‘Data’ Step 4 results = ‘data’ to inform restructuring plan Remember: restructuring plan represents “fundamental reforms to improve student achievement” with “substantial promise” of making AYP ( )
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting7 Recommended Strategies I. Check Your Work II. Cluster Similar Indicators III. Write Goal Statements IV. Develop Action Plans
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting8 I. Check your work! ASK YOURSELVES: Have we identified the instructional and organizational practices that are the real barriers to our students’ success? 1. Print “List of indicators in plan” in order of index value. 2. Do a “gut check” – does the list really match the practices we know in our “gut” (and from our data analysis!) are keeping our students from achieving their best? 3. Take notes and consider this input in choosing which indicators to include in plan.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting9 Questions about Checking your Work? You have two options for asking a question: type your question into the CHAT box to the left and SEND to the the room Click the RAISE HAND icon below the list of participants in the left column; you will be unmuted and invited to voice your question in the order received; click the hand icon again to lower it
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting10 II. Cluster similar indicators Why? YOU CAN’T DO IT ALL! You’re already working on some of these indicators (objectives) Key to successful improvement= FOCUS on a few essentials (see Schmoker, FOCUS: Elevating the Essentials to Radically Improve Student Learning. ASCD, Feb 2011)
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting11 II. Cluster similar indicators HOW? Affinity Diagram/ Map Suggested approach: 1. Print priority indicators in large font. 2. Cut apart, distribute. 3. Invite team to post with similar others. 4. Allow “Other” group.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting12 Example of a cluster Objectives (Indicators) – IIIA01: All teachers are guided by a document that aligns standards, curriculum, instruction and assessment. IIB04: Teachers individualize instruction based on pre-test results to provide support for some students and enhanced learning opportunities for others. IIIA07: All teachers differentiate assignments (individualize instruction) in response to individual student performance on pre-tests and other methods of assessment. IIIA09: All teachers clearly state the lesson’s topic, theme, and objectives. IIIA31: All teachers interact instructionally with students (explaining, checking, giving feedback). IIIA26: All teachers encourage students to check their own comprehension.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting13 Another Cluster Example -- Questions about Clustering? Type your question into the CHAT box; click SEND Click the RAISE HAND icon; you will be unmuted and invited to voice your question in the order received; click the hand icon again to lower it Objectives (Indicators) – ID03: All teams operate with work plans for the year and specific work products to produce. ID01: A team structure is officially incorporated into the school improvement plan and school governance policy. ID13: Instructional Teams meet for blocks of time (4-6 hour blocks, once a month; whole days before and after the school year) sufficient to develop and refine units of instruction and review student learning data. IF08: Profession al development for the whole faculty includes assessment of strengths and areas in need of improvement from classroom observations of indicators of effective teaching. IF03 (04, 05): Professional development for teachers includes observations by the principal/ by peers/ self-assessment related to indicators of effective teaching and classroom management. (IF10) IID09: Instructional Teams use student learning data to plan instruction. IID10: Instructional Teams use student learning data to identify students in need of instructional support and enhancement.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting14 III. Write goal statements No more than three clusters Decide on the primary indicator in each cluster Draft a goal statement for each cluster that includes at least – Desired outcome – i.e., gains in student achievement General statement of the means/ method of getting to the outcome *Advice: SMART goal format can be helpful – or not *Advice 2: Avoid the pain of writing in committee
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting15 Example of a goal statement GOAL: To improve student achievement by adopting a response to intervention approach for grades 4 through 8 in mathematics which will provide high quality core instruction and targeted intervention and/or enrichment based on student data.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting16 Goal Linked to Objectives GOAL: To improve student achievement by adopting a response to intervention approach for grades 4 through 8 in mathematics which will provide high quality core instruction and targeted intervention and/or enrichment based on student data. Objectives (Indicators) – IIIA01: All teachers are guided by a document that aligns standards, curriculum, instruction and assessment. IIB04: Teachers individualize instruction based on pre-test results to provide support for some students and enhanced learning opportunities for others. IIIA07: All teachers differentiate assignments (individualize instruction) in response to individual student performance on pre-tests and other methods of assessment. IIIA09: All teachers clearly state the lesson’s topic, theme, and objectives. IIIA31: All teachers interact instructionally with students (explaining, checking, giving feedback). IIIA26: All teachers encourage students to check their own comprehension.
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting17 NEXT STEP: Writing a Restructuring Plan Restructuring Plan components: Cover page, assurances – within STS (for example, see Idaho sample school – login = idschool; pw= idschool) Goals, objectives pages – within STS pilot version being revised Plans (Step 5) for primary objectives/ indicators
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting18 Step 5: Create the Plan Select primary objectives within clusters -- aim for 2 or 3 Identify secondary or subsidiary objectives Go to Step 5: Create the Plan for each primary objective
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting19 Parts of each Plan Assign a Team Member Describe how will look when fully met Date when description will be realized TASKS – at least 4 tasks ACTIVITIES RESOURCES MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION MONITORING EFFECTIVENESS
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting20 Step 5: Create School Plan-- Part 1
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting21 Step 5: Add Tasks
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting22 Sample Plan for Objective IIB04 Check sample school site (on Steps to Success/ Indistar) for more examples – Login = nhschool Password = nhschool
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting23 Sample Plan for IIB04 :
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting24 Questions on Creating a Plan For questions after today’s meeting, contact Karen or your DOE Title I Project Manager Submit questions by typing in the chat box or clicking the RAISE HAND icon
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting25 Feedback and Next Steps Please provide your feedback on today’s meeting by responding to the survey Plan to send reps to PSU/COGS in Concord on Monday, March 7 Tentative agenda: Give and get feedback on clusters, goal statements Continue Create Plan (Step 5) Review final format for Cover page(s)
February 16, 2011NH SINI 4 Schools Online Meeting26 Thanks for your participation today. For more ideas on using Steps to Success as tool for restructuring planning or continuous improvement, log on to the Indistar blog: