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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Applying Data!

Applying Data I want to be in your classroom!

Data analysis provides: Insight and Questions

Adapted from Getting Excited About Data, Edie Holcomb What question are we trying to answer? What can we tell from the data? What can we NOT tell from the data? What else might we want to know? What good news is here for us to celebrate? What opportunities for improvement are suggested by the data? Questions to Ponder…

What is a Pareto Chart? The Pareto chart ranks the categories in the chart from most frequent to least frequent. The Pareto chart ranks the categories in the chart from most frequent to least frequent. This tool helps to prioritize where action and process changes should be focused. This tool helps to prioritize where action and process changes should be focused. The "Pareto Principle" states that 80% of the problems come from 20% of the causes. The "Pareto Principle" states that 80% of the problems come from 20% of the causes.

Pareto Chart Used with tests that assess different areas Rank mistakes in order of occurrence Decide which problems need to be addressed first Find the issues that have the greatest impact Monitor impact of changes After grading a test, tally mistakes by subset

Pareto Chart Mistakes by Subtest 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120 % Reference and Research Author's Purpose Compare / Contrast Cause and Effect Main Idea Subtest Percentage of Mistakes Cumulative Percentage

Review-Preview REVIEW: A process of continually reviewing what has already been taught and continually previewing what has yet to be taught. REVIEW: A process of continually reviewing what has already been taught and continually previewing what has yet to be taught. PREVIEW: Exposure to what is coming. The preview is every bit as important as the REVIEW. PREVIEW: Exposure to what is coming. The preview is every bit as important as the REVIEW.

Sampling  Recommended sample size is square root of the total when assessments are weekly or bi-weekly.  Sampling is more accurate when we choose the items at random.  If assessments are less frequent, square root is not enough.  Statistical term for a set of items drawn from a population in such a way that each time an item is selected, every item in the population has an equal opportunity to appear in the sample.

“Fishbowl” Activity Ask yourself: What are the essential concepts (for example, vocabulary words) that you want your students to master by the end of the quarter/semester/year? Ask yourself: What are the essential concepts (for example, vocabulary words) that you want your students to master by the end of the quarter/semester/year? Create a sampling of concepts or words to go into your fishbowl Create a sampling of concepts or words to go into your fishbowl Either weekly or bi-weekly, randomly pull a sample to assess students’ knowledge Either weekly or bi-weekly, randomly pull a sample to assess students’ knowledge Students use a run chart to track their progress throughout the marking period Students use a run chart to track their progress throughout the marking period

Why should I use the “Fishbowl” Activity? Review and Preview Review and Preview Track student progress Track student progress Demonstrate progress Demonstrate progress Keep you on track Keep you on track Analyze your teaching methods Analyze your teaching methods Data for parent conferences Data for parent conferences

Action Answers! Provides

What information have I gained from my data? What interventions can I put In place? Implement the plan. Analyze the results. Make improvements. Steps to Improvement PLAN DO STUDY ACT

Personal Action Plan What data can I access? What tools can I use to help me monitor progress toward our class goals? What/who else do I need to help me? What is my start date? How will I evaluate the results? P D S A

What is an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)? A personal plan which represents explicit learning goals A personal plan which represents explicit learning goals Focuses on improving student learning as the overall goal Focuses on improving student learning as the overall goal Balances with the needs of the students, school, and district Balances with the needs of the students, school, and district Provides structure for professional growth Provides structure for professional growth

The School District of Lee County PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN _____________________________________________ Teacher Name SignatureDateSchool _______________________________________________________________ Administrator Name SignatureDate Goal (s) Statement (Based on Student Achievement Needs and Accomplished Practices) Strategies Documentation Methods Dates Form is located on Personnel Services website: END-OF-YEAR OUTCOMES: (Attach additional page if necessary) ORIGINAL: Personnel CANARY: Assessor PINK: TeacherMIS 777 S(8/99)A

Developing Your Goal(s) Goal (s) Statement (Based on Student Achievement Needs and Accomplished Practices) Strategies Documentation Methods Dates Write a SMART Goal S – Student-Focused M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Results-Oriented T – Timebound

Writing Goal Statement(s) Goal (s) Statement (Based on Student Achievement Needs and Accomplished Practices) Strategies Documentation Methods Dates _____% or ______# of ______students will __________ as measured on _______ by _________.

Writing Goal Statement(s) Goal (s) Statement (Based on Student Achievement Needs and Accomplished Practices) Strategies Documentation Methods Dates 95% of my 9th grade students will score a 3.5 or higher as measured on the School Mock Writing Assessment in March. Relates to my students’ learning Measurable Evaluation Method

Developing Strategies Goal (s) Statement (Based on Student Achievement Needs and Accomplished Practices) Strategies Documentation Methods Dates Consider strategies that have worked for you: Marzano, Kagan Cooperative Learning, CRISS, Learning Types, etc… Focus on SSS, subject content, instructional practices, technology, assessment and data analysis, etc…

CURRICULUM & STAFF DEVELOPMENT CENTER 1. Click on Professional Development System and look under Individual Teacher Level Information REQUIRED FORMS REQUIRED FORMS IPDP Form IPDP Form OPTIONAL FORMS OPTIONAL FORMS IPDP Planning Checklist IPDP Planning Checklist Self Assessment Planning Tool Form Self Assessment Planning Tool Form Individual Teacher Standards Checklist Individual Teacher Standards Checklist RESOURCES RESOURCES IPDP PowerPoint for Teachers IPDP PowerPoint for Teachers Sample Plans Sample Plans Teacher Performance Assessment Guidelines (Rubric) Teacher Performance Assessment Guidelines (Rubric) For more information...

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