Realizing the right to work and employment of PWDs Stig Langvad (DK), member of the CRPD Committee, executive member of the European Disability Forum (EDF) chairperson of Disabled Peoples Organisations Denmark (DPOD)
Agenda Denmark South Africa Involvement of DPOs International Corporation It bears fruit
Denmark Employment rate of PWDs: 46% today (others: 77%) Disability is a dynamic concept also in the area of employment Education is not satisfactory (article 24) Transport is not available and accessible (many articles) Strategies and stereotypes are in their hits of the employers and the potential colleagues (article 8)
South Africa Employment rate of PWDs: 1% (!) Education is not satisfactory (article 24) Transport is not available and accessible (many articles) Strategies and stereotypes are in their hits of the employers and the potential colleagues (article 8)
Involvement of DPOs Representative DPOs are in dialogue with PWDs PWDs are aware of and are experiencing the barriers If there are no independent DPOs, they must be established through support from State Parties, and they must be sustainable
International Corporation It brings changes and improvements DPOs add value by collaborating with state parties and other DPOs across boarders It is an obligation (article 32) But it must be about implementing the rights and not just collaborating
It bears fruit Thank you very much for your attention