FRANJKA ANTOLIŠ, 2 nd YEAR 2013/2014 Mentor: A. Žmegač Horvat VERTEBRAL COLUMN
FUNCTION supporting axis of the body protection for the spinal cord SYNONYMS spinal column, backbone, spine
VERTEBRAL COLUMN CURVATURES cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral DIVISION cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal COMPONENTS intervertebral discs and vertebrae
CURVATURES OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN 4 CURVATURES IN TOTAL cervical - secondary thoracic - primary lumbar - secondary sacral - primary SCOLIOSIS abnormal, sideways curvature of the spine dextroscoliosis (thoracic)/ levoscoliosis (lumbar)
DIVISION CERVICAL VERTEBRAE C1 - C7 atlas, axis, vertebra prominens bony aspect of the neck THORACIC VERTEBRAE T1 - T12 thoracic = rib cage LUMBAR VERTEBRAE L1 - L5 strongest and largest SACRUM curved, triangular shape “S1 - S5”, sacral bones at birth COCCYX tailbone Co1 - Co4 fused / separate vertebrae with limited movement
COMPONENTS VERTEBRA an individual backbone vertebral body exception : atlas lumbar vertebrae - large bodies vertebral=neural arch: 2x laminae + pedicle
COMPONENTS vertebral foramen between arch and body triangular, round spinal=vertebral canal, spinal cord intervertebral foramen formed by the juxtaposition of superior and inferior notches in the pedicles processes transverse - articulation with ribs, lumbar vertebrae have mammillary and accessory processes superior and inferior articular processes = zygapophyses, articulation with other vertebrae spinous - located at the posterior aspect of the neck, in the midline, easily palpable from C7
COMPONENTS INTERVERTEBRAL DISCS between vertebrae outer fibrous and central semi- fluid part bind the vertebrae give flexibility shock absorbers SCIATICA pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve prolapsed intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus escapes posterolaterally
VOCABULARY RECAP VERTEBRAL COLUMN spinal column, backbone, spine PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CURVATURES thoracic, sacral, cervical, lumbar SCOLIOSIS abnormal curvature of the spine dextroscoliosis, levoscoliosis THORACIC = RIB CAGE bony enclosing wall of the chest consisting chiefly of the ribs and structures connecting them COCCYX tailbone ZYGAPOPHYSES superior and inferior articular processes SCIATICA pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve
REFERENCES rtebral-column/ rtebral-column/ The Language of Medicine: Chabner, Saunders