Regional Forum On CSO Governance Post-Busan Challenges On CSO Development Effectiveness Work at a Regional Level December 14, 2011 Borithy LUN Executive Director Vision: A strong and capable civil society, cooperating and responsive to Cambodia’s development challenges Host of the 2 nd Global Assembly for CSO Development Effectiveness – Siem Reap June 2011
CSO Key Asks Fully evaluate and deepen the Paris and Accra commitments; Strengthen development effectiveness through practices based on human rights standards; Support CSOs as independent development actors in their own right, and commit to an enabling environment for their work in all countries; Promote equitable and just development cooperation architecture.
Perceived Gains INCLUSION of CSO voice in negotiation, processes and space at HLF4 and in future Global Partnership Architecture (PD: 0 ACCRA: 70 BUSAN: 300) The outcome theme should reflect development and not aid effectiveness. ACCEPTED AND INCORPORATED Istanbul Principles and Siem Reap Consensus – ACKNOWLEDGED AND RECOGNISED (in key speeches and in final HLF4 documents) Democratic Ownership language used more prominently
Perceived Losses Rights-based approach – UNCLEAR HOW THIS WILL CONTEXTUALIZE New actors (BRICs) and Private Sector COMING ON BOARD WITH UNCLEAR TERMS (Voluntary and without social indicators) Minimum Standards on CSO Enabling environment IN BUT VAGUE AND NOT ENFORCEABLE. South -South Cooperation (AMONG WHO? HOW TO and by When? Rules of Engagement unclear) Unfinished businesses from ACCRA not fully addressed
Continuing Concerns No explicit commitments to adopt human-rights based approaches. No adequate attention to women’s rights, the right to development and environmental justice. No clear indicators to validate commitments/progress Loose agreements reached attributes a strong role to the for-profit private sector, but without a comprehensive vision and policy framework to hold business to account against development effectiveness principles.
Worrisome Road Map Unfinished business, indicators, and new architecture to be addressed by June 2012 (RELATIVELY SHORT) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) tasked to assist the set up of the new Global Partnership (HOW BUREAUCRATIC, COSTLY AND CUMBERSOME WILL IT BE?)
CSO Future Road Map Post-Busan GLOBAL: BETTER AID AND OPEN FORUM - planned consultation in mid- Feb 2012 to define and propose new architecture for the Global Partnership REGIONAL AND NATIONAL: Review and reflect on Busan document in regional and country level context relevant. (particularly Article 22) Continue in-country-specific advocacy activities Propose pertinent issues to global CSO consultation in Feb. 2012
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