Objective is defined according to type (domain category) and level of complexity (simple to complex). Objectives can be defined according to the type of learning domains in to : 1. Cognitive—the “thinking” domain 2. Affective—the “feeling” domain 3. Psychomotor—the “skills” domain
Educational objectives 1. General objectives: reflect main professional functions which are broad Example: Providing preventive and curative care to the individual and community, in health and in sickness. 2. Intermediate objectives: breaking down professional functions into components (activities) Example: planning and carrying out blood sampling session for a group of adult in the community.
3- Specific objectives: precise professional tasks whose results are observable and measurable against given criteria. Example: Using the syringe to take a blood sample (5 ml) from the cubital vein of an adult (criteria: absence of hematoma; amount of blood taken within 10% of the amount required; not more than two attempts).
Example 3.3. Specific objectives Broad: Identify mental health problems in children; propose measures and participate in their application. More specific: Determine the priority mental health problems in children of his own health sector. Coordinate health, administrative and educational resources available for dealing with mental health problems in children (particularly those
1. Provide safe and competent care in emergency situations and acute illnesses 2. Support the vital functions of a child, in accordance with an ad hoc outline of procedures. 3. To recognize, maintain, and develop the personal characteristics and attitudes required for a career in a health profession. 4. Distinguish between normal newborn babies and those at risk; organize prevention and early detection of possible dangers.
6- To function as an effective and efficient member of a team with a sense of responsibility and dependability. 7- Treat, in order of urgency, several patients who arrive at once. 8- Protect children individually and collectively against the effects of hereditary conditions, communicable diseases and accidents.
Why Should Teachers Classify Objectives? What is Blooms Learning Taxonomy ?
Bloom's learning domains
Evaluationjudges the value of information Synthesis builds a pattern from diverse elements Analysis separates information into part for better understanding Applicationapplying knowledge to a new situation Comprehensionunderstanding information Knowledgerecall of data
Internalizing Values behavior which is controlled by a value system Organizationorganizing values into order of priority Valuingthe value a person attaches to something Responding to phenomena taking an active part in learning; participating Receiving phenomena an awareness; willingness to listen
Origination a learner's ability to create new movement patterns Adaptation a learner's ability to modify motor skills to fit a new situation Complex Overt Response the intermediate stage of learning a complex skill Mechanism the ability to perform a complex motor skill Guided Response the early stage of learning a complex skill which includes imitation Seta learner's readiness to act Perception the ability to use sensory cues to guide physical activity
Learning Type Related Action Verbs Attitude Development Adjust, analyze, assess, choose, criticize, decide, evaluate, pick, select. Skill Development assemble, compute, construct, copy, count, demonstrate, design, develop, draw, measure, operate, prepare, process, prove, record, repair, solve, peak, transcribe, type, write. Knowledge Development Cite, compare, contrast, define, describe, detect, Differentiate, distinguish, enumerate, explain Identify, list, name, quote, recite, recognize, relate, Repeat, reproduce
The Three Classifications (simplified)
Participation in educational activities Domain of intellectual skills cognitive Domain of communication skills affective/attitude Domain of practical skills psychomotor Able to recall factsAble to show receptivity towards another person Able to imitate the actions of a model Able to interpret dataAble to supply a response to the affective need of another person Able to exercise effective control over the practical skill Able to solve a new problem Able to internalize a problem Able to perform a practical act automatically and with a high degree of efficiency
Quality = SMART
Specific: The objective must be clearly defined. “What exactly are we going to do, with or for whom Measurable : The objective must be measured Achievable : The objective must be realistic given conditions, time period, resources allocated. Realistic or relevant : The objective must be directly supports the outcomes of the program agency.” Will this objective lead to the desired results”? Timely : The objective must be stating clearly when the objective will be achieved “When will be accomplish this objective”