How to write a good proposal? Bucharest, 3-4 March 2010 Koos de Korte
State of mind You ask the EC to fund your research You help the EU to solve problems!
S&T quality Problem State of the art Innovation Evaluators are briefed to look for clear progress beyond state-of-the-art!! Objectives
Achievable within the project Verifiable and measurable SMART!
Example objective Replace the use of all fossil fuels by hydrogen The objective is to develop an engine running on hydrogen produced by W.hydrogeneum
S&T quality Division into Work Packages should follow from the objectives! Objectives Work packages
Number must be appropriate to the complexity of the proposed work WPs cover a major element of the project WPs are multidisciplinary Give a clear description of expected output Define a few main tasks Define subtasks that allow clear participant contribution
S&T quality Deliverables should follow from the Work Packages (subtasks)! Work packages Deliverables
Logical approach Problem State of the art Objectives Work packages Deliverables
Remember… Convince the evaluators with a clear logical approach First impressions really count! Don’t write the proposal like a scientific paper Be realistic Describe the planned experiments in detail Use the Guide for Applicants!! Be aware that it is a competition!!