HSRP Redundancy & Failover: When one router or switch fails the other redundant router or switch takes over so that the connectivity is not interfered. Three protocol for redundancy are HSRP VRRP GLBP HSRP: Hot Standby Router Protocol created in 1994 It is a Cisco proprietary protocol Hello timer is 3 Sec Holdon Timer is 10 Sec
HSRP VRRP: Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol created in 1999 Its Non proprietary Works between various vendors and not limited to one. Created by IETF Hello Timer 1 sec Holdon Timer 3 sec GLBP: Gateway Load Balance Protocol created in 2005 Cisco proprietary Same Features as HSRP Allows Load Balancing
HSRP Scenario: Two Switches (Layer 3) A & B Switch A: Switch A has Vlan 50 as interface and its IP address is set to Shared Group 10 Switch B: Switch B has Vlan 50 as interface and its IP address is set to Virtual IP Address is
HSRP Virtual IP Address & Virtual Mac Address: In Virtual Mac Address e.g 0000.0C07.AC0A First 6 are vendor ID, 07AC is HSRP ID and 0A is Group 10 (HEX) It is generated on both Switches , so when the Active Switch fails the IP becomes available on Standby Switch. Clients don’t need to change any Gateway settings on their devices. Hello Messages are sent every 3 sec , Gateway is assumed Dead if no response is received in 10 secs. However we can tune the timers for fast processing.
HSRP HSRP CONFIGURATION: A quick note : vlan 50 and int vlan 50 are different vlan 50 is only the segmentation of ports (layer 2) , int vlan 50 is routed interface for that vlan. SwitchA(Config)# int vlan 50 [int vlan 50 will take us into routed int] SwitchA(Config-if)# standby 10 ip Note for above [10 is Group number, standby command is used to enable HSRP, Virtual IP / Phantom IP is] Note: Every Switch will have default priority of 100 so to make switch active we higher the priority Switch A(config-if)# standby 10 priority 150 Exit Note: By default track interface decrement is 10.
HSRP HSRP CONFIGURATION: On Switch B SwitchB(Config)# int vlan 50 [int vlan 50 will take us into routed int] SwitchB(Config-if)# standby 10 ip Note for above [10 is Group number, standby command is used to enable HSRP, Virtual IP / Phantom IP is] SwitchB(config-if)# standby 10 priority 100 Exit HSRP is Setup we can verify it by pinging to virtual ip and then we can disconnect Switch A and can see take over from Switch B. Thanks, Hyp3ri0n www.itpings.com