Monitoring the Busan Partnership agreement Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation. 1
Busan Partnership agreement Participants: receivers & providers, South-South co-operation partners, multilateral organisations, regional organisations, and representatives from civil society, parliamentary organisations, the private sector and local government. To date, over 160 countries and 45 organisations from around the world have endorsed the Busan agreement. All members of the Development Partners Group have endorsed the Busan Partnership agreement in addition to other development actors in Tanzania such as: GAVI, GFATM Abu Dhabi Fund, ABEDA, GEF, OPEC Fund, Saudi Fund, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation etc. Co-Chairs: Ms. Armida Alisjahbana, Minister of State for National Development Planning, INDONESIA; Ms. Justine Greening, Secretary of State for International Development, UNITED KINGDOM; Ms. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Minister of Finance, NIGERIA. 2
INDICATORS COUNTRY LEVELOTHER PROCESSES 1Development co-operation is focused on results that meet developing countries’ priorities Pilot monitoring – not by Tanzania. 2Civil society operates within an environment that maximizes its engagement in and contribution to development Measured by CIVICUS Enabling Environment Index 3Engagement and contribution of the private sector to development Desk review in collaboration with the World Bank Institute 4Transparency: information on development co-operation is publicly available Desk review building on data sources of the common, open standard and conducted in collaboration with the IATI and OECD- DAC- Secretariats 5a+bDevelopment co-operation is more predictable (annual and medium-term) 5 A – DP data from AMP 5 B – GoT data from AMP 6Aid is on budgets which are subject to parliamentary scrutiny GoT and DP data from AMP 7Mutual accountability strengthened through inclusive reviews. GoT questionnaire Same Also measured globally through UNDESA work on Mutual Accountability 8Gender equality and women’s empowerment Measured by UNWomen Same Also measured globally by UN Women 9aQuality of developing country PFM systems CPIA Desk review 9bUse of developing country PFM and procurement systems DP data from AMP and DP submissions 10Aid is untied Collected by OECD-DAC 3
Data needed From DPs 1.MTEF Commitments 2012/13 (AMP) 2.Disbursements (Tz and GoT) 2012/13 (AMP) 3.Aid to other providers (DPs) 4.Aid through systems (execution, reporting, audit, procurement) (DPs) From MoF MTEF 2013/14-15/16 projections (AMP) Aid on budget 2012/13 (MoF/Budget Book) Mutual Accountability (qualitative info – MOF) Gender equality (qualitative info – MoF/UNWOMEN) 4
Timeframe Aug 13: Circulation of DP data from AMP Aug 20: Q&A session for DPs Aug 26: DPs submit to DPG Secr. Aug 27: DPG Secr. submit to MoF Sept 13: Validation meeting Oct 31: Global deadline for submission 5
Validation DPs appoint focal point Data discrepancies addressed with DPG Secretariat and MoF JAST WG DPs (Canada, Ireland, WB, EU, UN) + interested? 6
INDICATORS 2005 REFERENCE ACTUAL2010 TARGET GLOBAL ACTUAL RESULTS FOR Operational Development strategiesBBA'B' or 'A'37% (of 76) 2a Reliable public financial management (PFM) systems % (of 52) 2bReliable procurement systemsNot availableB No target-- 3 Aid flows are aligned on national priorities 90%84%92%95%41% 4 Strengthen capacity by coordinated support 50%61%26%50%57% 5aUse of country PFM systems66%71%79%77%48% 5b Use of country procurement systems 61%69%72%No target44% 6 Strengthen capacity by avoiding parallel PIUs Aid is more predictable70%61%97%85%43% 8Aid is untied97% 96% More than 97% 86% 9 Use of common arrangements or procedures 55%61%60%66%45% 10aJoint missions17%16%26%40%19% 10bJoint country analytic work38%65%48%66%43% 11Results-oriented frameworksBBB'B' or 'A'20% (of 44) 12Mutual accountabilityYYYY38% Paris Survey Results