Secretary General of the GECF “The Role of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum in Global Energy Security” RPGC 2010 Moscow, June 22, 2010
Gas Exporting Countries Forum 11 members of the Forum: Algeria, Bolivia, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Russia, Trinidad & Tobago and Venezuela. 3 observers: Kazakhstan, Netherlands and Norway Headquarters located in Doha, State of Qatar 2
Mission To exploit and manage natural gas reserves for the benefit of their nations; To promote integration of the gas market and its stability; To protect the sovereign rights of Member-Countries over their natural gas reserves Independently plan and provide for sustainable and effective ecologically friendly development. 3
Fall in Gas Demand Source: Wood Mackenzie, IEA 4
Current Market Challenges Slow recovery of the gas market Lower investments in gas production due to uncertainties Oversupply Competition from unconventional sources Lower spot prices in USA and Europe decoupled from oil prices 5
Natural Gas Competitive Edge Natural Gas* Nuclear Renewable energy Fuel oilCoal Price factor ++ - subsidised + - subsidised Ecology factor + + waste management problem + - high CO2 - high-ash, CO2 * Conventional and shale gas 7
Common aspirations Prices Supplies Prices Sales Markets Gas Markets Stability 8
Coordination for Transparent Data Flow Gas Data Gas market analysis and prognosis Reliable information Database Gas market modelling Gas market coordination 9
Data Exchange Launch reliable database on gas Provide data on monthly basis Establish close cooperation with international energy organizations to work jointly on gas data reporting mechanisms 10
Research Activity Launch of in-house research centre Gas market model installation Publishing of market research and outlooks 11
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