DESA Forum: Dialogue on the Post-2015 Development Framework and Disability Including disability in the context of sustainable and equitable development.


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Presentation transcript:

DESA Forum: Dialogue on the Post-2015 Development Framework and Disability Including disability in the context of sustainable and equitable development for all

Ongoing Processes Photo Credit: iStock Photo 1.Inter-governmental Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals 2.UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda 3.High-level Panel of Eminent Persons 4.UNDG global, national and thematic consultations

Three dimensions of sustainable development Three dimensions of sustainable development must be reflected in an integrated and systematic manner Social development Economic development Environmental sustainability Photo Credit: iStock Photo

Need for a universal agenda with clear responsibilities for all countries while reflecting national conditions and capabilities Need for a holistic agenda that addresses all issues from a sustainable development perspective Integrating sustainable development What does it mean to integrate sustainable development in a universal development agenda beyond 2015? Photo Credit: iStock Photo

Where can we see consensus already? Broad consensus on the need for a unified development agenda post 2015 Poverty eradication must be at the core of the new agenda A renewed global partnership with shared responsibilities and reflection of the development landscape of today is needed Inequalities have to be addressed and the new agenda should focus on ensuring participation for marginalized groups as well as to foster equality of opportunities and outcomes Photo Credit: UN Photo

Photo Credit: iStock Photo Disability in the post-2015 agenda The post-2015 consultations and discussions in the Open Working Group have shown strong consensus on the need to address inequalities, adopt non-discriminatory policies and ensure the rights and participation of persons with disabilities.

The Way Forward Let us keep in mind that: The role of a global agenda is to provide a global norm and an advocacy tool to drive commitments towards issues related to disabilities Development however takes place in each and every country. Unless effective policies are in place to drive the structural transformation leading to development and awareness of issues related to disabilities, equal opportunities for people with disabilities will continue being an elusive goal

For more information on the work of the UN System Task Team on the Post-2015 UN Development Agenda visit: Or contact: Diana Alarcon UN-DESA, Selim Jahan, UNDP,