GIS Routing Technologies Stuart Rich SGCi Penobscot Bay Media January 2004 In cooperation with Institute for Information Technology, Inc.
IIT: Products Geographic Information Systems(GIS) Foundation Operations Research Based Optimization Methods eRouteLogistics eRouteEdit eRouteAlert FLO SBA eRouteTracker eRouteAudit eRouteProspect
IIT: eRouteLogistcs eRouteLogistics enables you to plan the optimal set of routes for a given set of stops, vehicle capacities, depot locations and other business drivers. eRouteLogistics includes a wide array of business rules to establish operationally feasible and optimal routes.
IIT: eRouteEdit eRouteEdit is a comprehensive web-based data management tool to maintain accurate and up to date information about your customers, facilities and street network. The primary spatial function is to capture the service location of the customer.
IIT: eRouteEdit - Features Interactive street editing capabilities Manually digitize streets Street attribute editing Connectivity control Reverse geocoding Focus on 5-digit zip centroid Import / export management Table management for customer/facilities information System can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: eRouteTracker eRouteTracker keeps track of mobile assets to allow optimization of field operations by dispatchers eRouteTracker offers real-time visualization of vehicle locations against a geographical display.
IIT: eRouteTracker - Features Auto or fixed vehicle tracking modes Alarm manager Route Limit Activity Limits Vehicle logger Replay features In-vehicle display Java Messaging System based bus infrastructure enables scalability and minimal system resources System can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: eRouteAlert eRouteAlert is a real-time fleet management tool eRouteAlert provides for the wireless (if need be), real-time updating of street networks, communication of updates via a map interface, automatic rerouting of vehicles and simultaneous communication of changes to multi-user locations
IIT: eRouteAlert - Features Scalable real-time collaboration Dynamic event-based routing Generate alternate routes Transmit new directions Live vehicle tracking from various sources System can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: eRouteAudit eRouteAudit provides the capability to record when and where drivers perform a variety of defined field activities through wireless, handheld devices.
IIT: eRouteAudit - Features Collect information on customer site GPS data Client specific data Provide proof of delivery – real-time if needed Generate metrics on field activities Receive field activity real-time Allows wireless map download Monitoring system can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: eRouteProspect Empowers marketing personnel to locate new prospects. Enables sales efforts to focus around existing routes.
IIT: eRouteProspect - Features View routes Buffer routes Generate coverage areas by street address Query buffer routes for targeted business Cross reference with marketing data Dunn & Bradstreet Monitoring system can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: FLO – Facility Location Optimizer FLO is used to calculate the optimal number and location of facilities in your distribution system based on transportation costs. FLO evaluates service level coverage using street level data.
IIT: FLO - Features Real Transportation Rates Street Network Service Times Facility Capacities Ease of Use Speed of Solutions Reporting Side by side geographic comparison System can be viewed via IE 5.0+
IIT: SBA - Service Boundary Analyzer Service Boundary Analyzer determines the correct assignment of customers to depot facilities based on actual street distance or drive time while addressing the capacity of each depot. Demand is analyzed to determine optimal assignment based on true network travel times
IIT: SBA - Features Run multiple what-if scenarios. Attributes influencing demand allocation can be easily modified and updated User friendly map interface provides visual feedback Multiple supply centers or depots can be managed Enterprise GIS application in a multi-tiered distributed environment designed for high volume access and scalability. System can be viewed via IE 5.0+
Geography plays an important role in many business decisions. In our example, assigning the appropriate employee to a job site can help the company realize tangible, bottom-line benefits by decreasing travel costs. In an EMS context, the same application can be adapted to provide near-real- time resource reallocation throughout an event timeline. Who is the nearest radiation specialist? Where is the closest medical facility? Where can I get four HazMat suits in the shortest possible time? These are questions that cannot be answered on the fly or with any precision using any traditional means. It is the combination of real-time geographic data (including incident reports, blocked roadways, chemical plumes, etc) and resource data that makes such a system so powerful in the hands of emergency managers. Conclusion
Questions? For more information about this paper or other customized emergency response solutions, please contact SGCi Penobscot Bay Media, LLC. Stuart Rich President and GIS Division Director SGCi SGCi Penobscot Bay Media 16 School St., Rockland, ME (877) x 22 Michael Hardy General Manager SGCi SGCi Penobscot Bay Media 16 School St., Rockland, ME (877) x 27 Web: ** SGCi Penobscot Bay Media is a Woman-Owned, Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO) Small Business with GSA contracts on Schedules 70, 899 and 541 (pending).