Indistar Summit 2015 District Leadership: Strategies that Work… Moving from Compliance to QUALITY! Idaho Statewide System of Support Supporting districts, schools, and each other in successfully meeting the needs of all students.
Sense of Urgency… No Excuses Atmosphere !
TEAM Formation and Norms Promote a positive, collaborative learning culture through shared leadership.
Leadership Team Goals Improving Student Achievement Building Leadership Capacity Continuous Improvement Sustainability
SMART Goals Assess - Plan – Monitor Prioritize and Select Indicators Action Plans with Tasks WISE Tool: Ways To Improve School Effectiveness
A Strategy and Action That Works! High Performing District Leadership Teams … Expectations Timelines Due Dates Oh my! Was that today?
District, Peer, and SDE Plan Reviews … From Compliance to Quality!
SWAP MEET …. Write down 2-3 strategies or practices on a index card that are being used or could be used by District Leadership Teams to support the work being done by School Leadership Teams. When given the cue by the facilitator, “Stand up and meet with a new to you partner. Exchange index cards. Read them aloud to each other. Then move to a new partner and repeat the process.”