Sequential Circuits
Combinational Circuits + Storage element output depends both on previous state and input Fig. 5-1
Fig. 5-2 (a): a buffer t G the delay the information enters the buffer at t and output at t+ t G the stored information only retained in buffer by t G longer storage time is necessary in most applications
Fig. 5-3 Use flip-flop
A storage element can maintain a binary state indefinitely, until directed by an input signal to switch states. The most basic storage elements are latches.
Fig. 5-5
Fig. 5-7
Fig. 5-8
A change in value on the control input allows the state of a latch in a flip-flop to switch. This change is called a trigger The trigger enable (trigger) the flip-flops See Fig. 5-3 for sequential circuits A present (original) and next (new) state occur in flip-flop before and after the trigger, respectively The most important element in sequential circuits Can be derived from latch
Fig. 5-9
Fig Pulse trigger Pulse in the inputs SR will results wrong output Initially unknown Unknown due to R=1 S=1 Pulse input results wrong output
Fig. 5-11
Fig. 5-13
Fig. 5-14
Sequential Circuit Analysis The output and the next state are a function of the inputs and the present state. An example Fig input equations output equation
State table
Two-dimensional state table
Mealy model/Moore model Mealy model circuits Sequential circuits in which the outputs depend on the input, as well as on the states The circuits in Fig Moore model circuits Sequential circuits in which the outputs depend only on the states The circuits in Fig. 5-16
A Moore model circuit (Fig. 5-16)
State diagram (a): for Fig (b): for Fig. 5-16
Example 5-1 States reduction equivalent
Example 5-1 States reduction
Example 5-1 States reduction Reduce from 4 states, 2 flip-flops to 2 states, 1 flip-flop may or may not result in reduced cost
Sequential Circuit Simulation A simulator for the input/output of a designed circuit Functional simulation Timing simulation