Total Ionizing Dose Effects in Silicon Technologies and Devices Hugh Barnaby, Philippe Adell*, Jie Chen, Michael Mclain, Ivan Sanchez, Harshit Shah Arizona State University *Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Topics Modeling total ionizing dose effects in deep submicron bulk CMOS technologies - Hugh Barnaby, ASU Band-to-band tunneling (BBT) induced leakage current enhancement in irradiated fully depleted SOI devices - Philippe Adell, JPL Mechanisms of enhanced radiation-induced degradation due to excess molecular hydrogen in bipolar oxides - Jie Chen, ASU
Modeling Total Ionizing Dose Effects in Deep Submicron Bulk CMOS technologies Hugh Barnaby, Michael Mclain, Ivan Sanchez, Harshit Shah Department of Electrical Engineering Ira A. Fulton School of Engineering Arizona State University
ASU task Characterize and model TID effects in bulk deep submicron CMOS devices Design and build radiation-enabled compact models Technologies: deep sub-micron bulk CMOS, silicon on insulator, device isolation structures (STI, BOX)
Hot Carrier Limit Region Reliability threats Hot Carrier Limit Region ITRS Roadmap 250nm 180nm 130nm NBTI Limit Region 2 3 4 5 Oxide Thickness (nm) 1 Supply Voltage (V) Traditional: Hot-Carrier-Injection (HCI) Nanoscale roadblock: Negative-bias-temperature-instability (NBTI) Other issues: TDDB, etc. after N. Kimizuka et al., VLSI Tech. 1999
Radiation threats in bulk CMOS Radiation damage in shallow trench oxides increases leakage Intra-device leakage Inter-device leakage
TID Defects Not, Nit a tox Defects Not - oxide trapped charge (E’ ) Nit – interface traps (Pb) Both Nit and Not are related to holes generated and/or hydrogen present in oxide first order assumption Not, Nit a tox
Research Goal To develop a compact modeling approach that can simulate and predict the effects of stress and radiation damage of semiconductor devices and circuits?
Research Goal To develop a compact modeling approach that can simulate and predict the effects of stress and radiation damage of semiconductor devices and circuits? This capability, known as Predictive Technology Modeling (PTM), has been demonstrated for modeling negative bias temperature instability.
Predictive technology modeling (PTM) The goal of PTM is to develop compact modeling approaches that are: Scalable with technology and design parameters Capable of both short-term and long-term predictions Compatible with standard circuit simulator Extendable to emerging reliability and radiation effects concerns
PTM Approach (for NBTI) Model validation path Circuit simulation with ageing effects Modeling inputs
Model validation Model verified with published silicon data 180nm, VLSI, 1999 Tox=2.6nm, T=125oC Vgs=2.9V, T=100oC 130nm, IRPS, 2003 n=0.25 Excellent scalability over process and design conditions After Vattikonda et al. DAC 2006.
Research Goal To develop a compact modeling approach that can simulate and predict the effects of stress and radiation damage of semiconductor devices and circuits? This capability, known as Predictive Technology Modeling (PTM) has already been demonstrated for modeling negative bias temperature instability at ASU. Our goal is to extend PTM for reliability to capture radiation effects
PTM Approach (for TID) Radiation-enabled circuit simulation Modeling inputs
Radiation-enabled PTM (Physical Module) Inputs Physical Module Output (defects) Model validation
Closed form model for TID Oxide trapped charge dependence on dose, oxide field and thickness. Interface trap dependence on dose, oxide field and thickness. Model Parameters Models based on assumptions of steady state, uni- directional flux, and no saturation or annealing D - total dose [rad] kg - 8.1 x 1012 [ehp/radcm3] fy - field dependent hole yield [hole/ehp] fot - trapping efficiency [trapped hole/hole] fDH - hole, D’H reaction efficiency [H+/hole] fit - H+, SiH de-passivation efficiency [interface trap/H+] tox - oxide thickness [cm] Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tools provide simulation capability at the process, device, and circuit level. This slide illustrates the relationship between the different levels of simulation in standard TCAD tools (without including radiation effects). Process simulations begin with inputs including times, temperatures, and ambient environments and yield structural information including doping profiles and layer thicknesses. The device simulator takes this information, along with bias conditions, to provide externally-measurable properties like current-voltage characteristics and internal quantities like potential and electric field. The circuit simulator calculates the behavior of a collection of interconnected devices using compact models of the device current-voltage and transient characteristics. See Barnaby, MURI presentation 2006
Simple Model – Not(x) + + The simple model requires: STI Vg The simple model requires: Doping distribution along sidewall to generate NA(i) and fMS(i) arrays Field line estimates to generate tox(i) and eox(i) arrays Vgb bias condition tox(i) eox(i) x(i) + NA(i) + x(i+1) STI … to compute the e-field. x Vb E-field a function of Not (iterative) Surface potential Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tools provide simulation capability at the process, device, and circuit level. This slide illustrates the relationship between the different levels of simulation in standard TCAD tools (without including radiation effects). Process simulations begin with inputs including times, temperatures, and ambient environments and yield structural information including doping profiles and layer thicknesses. The device simulator takes this information, along with bias conditions, to provide externally-measurable properties like current-voltage characteristics and internal quantities like potential and electric field. The circuit simulator calculates the behavior of a collection of interconnected devices using compact models of the device current-voltage and transient characteristics.
Non-uniform doping In deep submicron CMOS, Sidewall doping In deep submicron CMOS, the doping along the sidewall is highly non-uniform Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) tools provide simulation capability at the process, device, and circuit level. This slide illustrates the relationship between the different levels of simulation in standard TCAD tools (without including radiation effects). Process simulations begin with inputs including times, temperatures, and ambient environments and yield structural information including doping profiles and layer thicknesses. The device simulator takes this information, along with bias conditions, to provide externally-measurable properties like current-voltage characteristics and internal quantities like potential and electric field. The circuit simulator calculates the behavior of a collection of interconnected devices using compact models of the device current-voltage and transient characteristics.
TCAD Modeling 1 krad 10 krad 100 krad TCAD modeling with the Silvaco REM simulator can generate volumetric distributions of trapped charge in the STI (for model validation). 1 krad 10 krad 100 krad
Not estimates Vgb = 1V 100 krad 10 krad Vgb = 0V 10krad dose 1 krad Vgb = 0V Simulator predicts dose and bias dependence (as well as temperature, dose rate, etc.).
Radiation-enabled PTM (Compact modeling)
Compact Modeling for TID (surface potential) Nit, Not from phys. mod. ys(x,y) Surface potential information is used in the PSP compact model being developed and refined at ASU.
Compact Modeling for TID (drain-source leakage) MR2 MR1 Effect of charge buildup along STI sidewall degrades can be modeled as two parasitic nMOSFETs (MR1 and MR2) operating in parallel with as drawn device, MA.D.
D-S leakage model using BSIM4 compact model MR1 Parameters in modified BSIM4 model enables parasitic devices to be modeled MR2 model nfetMR1_10MRAD bsim4 type=n (W=50.1nm L=120nm) + tnom = 27 toxe = 12.46e-009 toxp = 1.1e-9 + rnoia = 0.577 rnoib = 0.37 vth0 = 0.20439 + cdsc = 0 cdscb = 0 cdscd = 0 cit = -0.00161 + + u0 = 0.026 ua = 1e-10 ub = 4e-16 + …… MA.D.
Modeling bias dependence with BSIM4
Circuit Level Modeling (A/D Converter) Flash-type ADC Compact (C-) models, degraded as function of dose and radiation bias, are used by EDA tools to model circuit degradation over time. C-models can be inserted at the circuit-level (SPICE/SPECTRE) or in higher level behavioral models for increased efficiency.
Circuit Level Modeling (results) Modeled application response to intra-device leakage under static radiation bias conditions Radiation dose Input voltage Output after Mikkola et al. RADECS 2006