Increasing EU industrial competitiveness James Watson, Director Economics Bucharest, 23 October2014
Who we are? 41 members in 35 countries Representing small, medium and large companies European social partner Staff: about 50 persons Supporting network of +50 companies (AS Group) 2
Industry as backbone of the economy Direct and indirect employment in the manufacturing sector (2012) in 1000 Source: Eurostat (2013), WIOD (2013), calculations by IW
EU is losing global manufacturing share Share of global manufacturing value-added Source: UN (2013), OECD (2013), Eurostat (2013), calculations by IW
Manufacturing and Employment well below pre-crisis levels
Recommendations for an industrial compact ECONOMYENERGY AND CLIMATE SINGLE MARKETEMPLOYMENT ENTREPREN- EUSHIP TRADE Industrial competitiveness throughout all policy areas
Economy growth and structural reforms – better implementation of EU reform recommendations sustainable public finances access to finance for companies
Employment flexicurity reforms on labour markets education and training sustainable pensions Economic migration
Single Market removing barriers effective enforcement fostering greater support of public opinion digital Europe
Trade WTO negotiations Bilateral free-trade agreement Transatlantic relations Economic dimension of EU foreign policy
Conclusions – the EU can support Romanian industrial competitiveness Advocate for competitiveness enhancing structural reform Structural funds Access to the internal market Access to international markets