President Training April 18, 2015
Introductions Name School Thing you are most excited about being president Thing you are freaking out about most about being president 2
Circle K International develops college and university students into a global network of responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to service Mission 3
Circle K International shall be the leading global community-service organization on college and university campuses that enriches the world one member, one child, and one community at a time. Vision 4
I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential. Pledge 5
BRAINSTORM Responsibilities 6
Liaison University Kiwanis District Board Website Responsibilities of the President 7
Facilitate Interclubs Work with other club officers and committee chairs to plan activities Motivate club members Responsibilities 8
Create a welcoming environment Recognize members for successes Educate members about CKI, Kiwanis Recruit new members Responsibilities 9
Well Managed – have an agenda Informative Fun A Quality Experience Running a Meeting 10
Make sure you send a reminder inviting people to the meeting Be courteous, respectful, inclusive Sum up Running a Meeting 11
Later today Think about past Look to Future Goal Setting 12
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-Oriented SMART Goals 13
Who What When Where Why Ex: I will write a fictional book about three orphans to be read by middle schoolers Specific 14
Can you evaluate it? How will you gauge progress? Ex: My book will be 200 pages and I will finish by the end of this year. Measurable 15
Push or challenge you Still achievable Ex: I will write one page a night during the week to ensure I stay on track Attainable 16
Is it possible? Ex: Write a 200 page book tomorrow or a 200 page book by the end of the year? Realistic 17
Set a time table Ex: I will have the first half written by June 1, the second half by October 1, and will edit and make changes by December 31. Time Oriented 18
Delegate Work with your other officers to set goals Use the district board – they are here to help Tips for Success 19
Better World Books Students Teaming Up to Fight Hunger UNICEF Six Cents Initiative March of Dimes Up with People Website Preferred Charities and Service Partners 20
Website Over $75 million raised toward the $110 million goal Eliminating Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus around the world 24 countries remaining The Eliminate Project 21
Kiwanis – Adult Key Club – High School Builder’s Club – Middle School K-Kids – Elementary School Aktion Club – Adults with Disabilities Website and Resources WebsiteResources Kiwanis Family 22
Grant for your project! Due December 1 each year Examples: Fleece Blankets, Pancake Breakfast, Park Beatification Website Tomorrow Fund 23
Recruitment Environment: Be welcoming! Club Building 24
Club Every week (should really be more) District Every week or so (more before district events) How fast should I respond? 1 week at the longest You should also expect a response within a week Set a date you need a response Communication Responsibilities 25
Membership Update Center Set an early date (recommend November 1 at latest) to collect from members Update with International Treasurer is receiving further instructions Collecting Dues 26
You will receive the MRF link Ensure your secretary is filling them out Used for district and international goals Also allows us to share ideas Service Hour Reporting 27