Setting Your Goals Lee Cummins Senior Manager
What Is YOUR Goal for this year? Next rank advancement? Becoming Q Qualified Achieving your own 7/30/Q Personally sponsoring XX new distributors Becoming a Manager Becoming a Senior Manager Becoming an Executive Earning xx dollars per month Attending 2014 Revolution Convention
S.M.A.R.T GOALS S - Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T - Timed
When Considering Your Goals Write the goal as though it has already happened. Be specific in your description. How can you measure the goal? Is it attainable in the time and resources you have available? Are you being realistic? Are you pushing your comfort zone?
Time For Your Goals
A Goal Without ACTION A goal without a plan is just a wish. —Antoine de Saint-Exupéry "Nothing Happens Until Something Moves" - Albert Einstein When setting your action plan, look at one goal at a time. You will make one action plan for each goal.
Basics Of Writing An Action Plan Write your goal on a sheet of paper, or open a new document and type your goal at the top of the page. Written is better and use colour. Ask yourself: What steps do I need to take in order to reach my goal?| Write down your answers, no matter how basic they may sound, with a little space in between. Look at your answers…for each answer you came up with, ask yourself, Are there any steps I need to take in order to get to this point?
Basics Of Writing An Action Plan If the answer is yes, and the steps are not already listed, make notes under the original answer. Do this for each for the first round answers. Flush everything out. Flush all the excuses out before you start. Re-write or re-type your action plan and organize it in a way that is logical to you. As you make progress on your “steps”, cross them off the list! You are only that much closer to the bigger goal!
Time For Your Actions
S.T.E.P Steps Toward Empowering Progress
Accountability Partner
Here is to YOUR every Success! Lee Cummins