By Maténin COULIBALY UNIFEM COTE DIVOIRE UNIFEMs advocacy strategies for Gender Statistics GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER STATISTICS 26-28 January 2009 Accra,


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Presentation transcript:

By Maténin COULIBALY UNIFEM COTE DIVOIRE UNIFEMs advocacy strategies for Gender Statistics GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER STATISTICS January 2009 Accra, Ghana GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER STATISTICS January 2009 Accra, Ghana

OUTLINE OF THE PRESENTATION UNIFEM Introduction Objectives UNIFEM advocacy for gender statistics Conclusion

INTRODUCTION UNIFEM UNIFEM is the womens fund at the United Nations. It provides financial and technical assistance to innovative programs and strategies to foster womens empowerment and gender equality UNIFEM strategic areas Strengthening womens economic security and rights Ending violence against women Reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls Achieving gender equality in democratic governance in times of peace as well as war

INTRODUCTION UNIFEM UNIFEM mandates Support innovative and experimental activities benefiting women in line with national and regional priorities Serve as a catalyst, with the goal of ensuring the appropriate involvement of women in mainstream development activities, as often as possible at the pre- investment stage Play an innovative and catalytic role in relation to the United Nations overall system of development cooperation Importance of gender statistics for UNIFEM and its partners Need gender statistics to boost awareness of its concerns Need gender statistics to enable tracking all forms of inequality between men and women Need gender statistics for economic and social policy formulation, implementation and monitoring

INTRODUCTION UNIFEM UNIFEM plays a key role in promoting the production of GS Advocacy activities to promote the production of statistics for gender-equality monitoring, planning and programming Capacity building, including training and collaborating with other institutions Dissemination of research reports on gender and compilation of statistics in accessible formats Several advocacy activities have been initiated in many countries

OBJECTIVES UNIFEM General Objective To share UNIFEM experience on advocacy for gender statistics Specific Objectives To present UNIFEM advocacy activities for gender statistics To present key successes and challenges

UNIFEM ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES FOR GENDER STATISTICS UNIFEM Advocacy activities for gender data collection Collaboration with and sensitization of producers for mainstreaming gender in data collection tools Gender mainstreaming in censuses: to make womens contribution visible UNIFEM works in partnership with governments, UN agencies and NGO to engender censuses and raise awareness of women importance in the economy Gender mainstreaming in household surveys: to identify discrimination by revealing sex-differentiated outcomes in economic and social conditions, UNIFEM supports the engendering of surveys instruments on poverty Specific data collection: for awareness raising and policy advocacy UNIFEM has supported the collection of specific gender data, e.g., time use survey, survey on gender based violence

UNIFEM ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES FOR GENDER STATISTICS UNIFEM Advocacy activities for gender data compilation and dissemination Gender data compilation and dissemination are used as an advocacy strategy for improving gender statistics availability Collaboration with statisticians and researchers to publish sex-disaggregated data (data bases, brochures, etc.) contributes to advocacy within data producers networks for systematic compilation of gender statistics Policy advocacy activities to enhance gender statistics production UNIFEM work on engendering MDG reports is used as an advocacy tool to influence the development and production of new gender statistics

UNIFEM ADVOCACY ACTIVITIES FOR GENDER STATISTICS UNIFEM Other advocacy activities Workshops and technical meeting for gender statistics advocacy and Gender Responsive budgeting UNIFEM meets with NGOs, researchers and data producers to report progress on gender data in order to induce change in gender sensitive data production Global and regional advocacy to support the application of GRB Capacity building as a tool for gender statistics advocacy Collaboration with training institutions to induce changes in favor of introducing gender in their training curricula

KEY SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES UNIFEM Key successes Gender mainstreaming in population censuses UNIFEM has supported engendering the censuses in India, Nepal and Pakistan Indian Census 2001: UNIFEM sought to ensure the collection of data that would accurately reflect womens work Collaborated with Census Commissioner and the Department of Women and Child Development Partnership with UNICEF and UNFPA

KEY SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES UNIFEM Gender mainstreaming in household survey In Côte dIvoire: UNIFEM has supported engendering the 2008 Côte dIvoire household survey on poverty for the elaboration of its final PRSP UNIFEM collaborated with INS to engender the survey instruments and produce gender sensitive data relevant to poverty analysis UNIFEM and INS worked together to integrate gender in the PRSP drafting, revision and validation Specific surveys In Tanzania: UNIFEM supported a Time Use Survey The TUS was conducted as an integral module of the National Labor Survey to produce relevant labor data for implementation of its PRSP and MDGs

KEY SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES UNIFEM In Southern Africa: UNIFEM commissioned a study on Unpaid Care Work in 2002 Intended for advocacy on unpaid care work, tools and methodologies for data collection, production and analysis of unpaid care work In Côte dIvoire: UNIFEM, in partnership with UNFPA and UNDP, supported a survey on gender based violence Survey undertaken to produce statistics on GBV Advocacy to support Gender Responsive Budgeting In 2001, UNIFEM organized an international conference on GRB At local level, UNIFEM supported initiatives in India, Morocco, Uganda and the Philippines

KEY SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES UNIFEM Capacity building as an advocacy tool for gender statistics In Côte dIvoire: UNIFEM collaborates with ENSEA to introduce gender courses in the training curricula of its students In Mexico, Dominican Republic and Guatemala: UNIFEM has carried out capacity building workshops on gender indicators for the NSO In Venezuela and Ecuador: UNIFEM organized workshops in partnership with FAO, UNFPA, NSOs and National Womens Machineries on the need to mainstream gender in statistics In Colombia: UNIFEM, in partnership with DANE (NSO) organized a training course on gender and poverty in Colombia in order to improve data collection instruments

KEY SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES UNIFEM Challenges Engendering national statistical systems to meet user needs on gender mainstreaming Prioritizing and developing new sources of data and revising existing sources to identify gaps Engendering the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) Finding effective ways of sharing and upscaling experiences to other countries Using gender statistics to advocate for gender sensitive macro- economic policies and other development programs

CONCLUSION UNIFEM Gender statistics enable to track all forms of inequality between men and women Need gender statistics for economic and social policy formulation, implementation and monitoring Advocacy for gender statistics helps in making gender visible in statistics UNIFEM has conducted many advocacy activities aimed at promoting the production of gender statistics Still, many challenges remain