G OALS OF T ODAY ’ S L ESSON : Write good, measurable learning objectives to incorporate into their flipped lesson on Sophia.org Demonstrate an understanding of having order (mapping) to the learning objectives Identify the difference between good and vague learning objectives Introduce the SMART model for objective writing Show classroom teachers how flipping the classroom will change the way they will teach and deliver their lessons
P ARADIGM S HIFT Sage on the Stage Guide on the Side Teacher-to- student interaction student-to- student interaction
BACKWARDS DESIGN Write your learning objectives Sequential levels of understanding; build on each other Master one objective, then move to the next SMART Plan how you will assess students In-class activities Formative Summative Create lessons using technology to present knowledge How will students think on their own? Variety of resources to reach all learners Laid out clearly to avoid confusion Be yourself; connect with students
P URPOSE OF L EARNING O BJECTIVES Mapping out what you want to teach Create a linear path through your content Important for teacher – planning Important for student – knowing what is expected of them
SMART MODEL FOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES Specific – Exactly what you want them to know Exactly the depth you want them know Specific MeasurableAttainableResults-FocusedTime-Focused
SMART MODEL FOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES Measurable – Must be able to see if objective is met through assessment (formative, summative, formal, informal) Specific Measurable AttainableResults-FocusedTime-Focused
SMART MODEL FOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES Attainable – Within our time constraints for teaching Set at the right level for our students’ abilities SpecificMeasurable Attainable Results-FocusedTime-Focused
SMART MODEL FOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES Results-focused – What results are you looking for? How are they going to be measured? SpecificMeasurableAttainable Results-Focused Time-Focused
SMART MODEL FOR LEARNING OBJECTIVES Time-focused – Fit within the time frame you have for your lesson. Break down objectives into smaller concepts (bite size pieces) SpecificMeasurableAttainableResults-Focused Time-Focused
G OOD VS. V AGUE L EARNING O BJECTIVES Students will be able to use the quadratic formula. At the end of this lesson, students will be able to correctly solve for real and imaginary zeroes of quadratic functions using the quadratic formula, and explain verbally their thought processes in doing so.
G OOD VS. V AGUE L EARNING O BJECTIVES Students will write a Civil War Essay At the end of this unit, students will write an essay explaining the effects of the Civil War on American life in the 1870’s.
G OOD VS. V AGUE L EARNING O BJECTIVES Students will understand earthquakes At _______, students will be able to _________
G OOD VS. V AGUE L EARNING O BJECTIVES Students will use literary terms in their writing At _______, students will be able to _________
BACKWARDS DESIGN Write your learning objectives Sequential levels of understanding; build on each other Master one objective, then move to the next SMART Plan how you will assess students In-class activities Formative Summative Create lessons using technology to present knowledge How will students think on their own? Variety of resources to reach all learners Laid out clearly to avoid confusion Be yourself; connect with students
N EXT S TEPS … Start making your first lesson using Sophia.org as the platform! Lesson Planning and Objective Writing Write your own learning objectives for your first flipped lesson! Assessment and Differentiation Creating the media/technology
G OALS OF T ODAY ’ S L ESSON : Write good, measurable learning objectives to incorporate into their flipped lesson on Sophia.org Demonstrate an understanding of having order (mapping) to the learning objectives Identify the difference between good and vague learning objectives Introduce the SMART model for objective writing Show classroom teachers how flipping the classroom will change the way they will teach and deliver their lessons