PROTISTS First Eukaryotes to evolve ~ 1.5 Billion years ago Unicellular and multicellular Can live in colonies Live any where there is water – lakes, oceans, damp soil, sand, leaf litter
CLASSIFICATION Kingdom – Protists Subkingdom – Protozoa Protozoa proto = first zoa = animal Single celled organisms Contain organelles to carry specific functions
CLASSIFICATION Comprised of seven phylum Phylum Sarcomastigophora Sarko = fleshy Mastigo = whip Phylum Ciliophora Phylum Apicomplexa Apex = point Com = together
HOMEOSTASIS Structure Water Balance Pellicle – rigid microtubules, maintains shape Ectoplasm – outside cytoplasm Endoplasm – inside cytoplasm Water Balance Water enters protozoa through osmosis Contractile vacuole – maintains water and solute balance
REPRODUCTION Asexual reproduction Budding – pinching off of cell produces smaller daughter cell Binary fission – mitosis produces two identical offspring Multiple Fission (schizogony) – cell division that produces multiple cells
MOVEMENT Pseudopodia Pseudo – false Pod – foot Extension of cytoplasm Cilia Hairlike protein fibers Movement and attachment Flagella Thin protein whip Rotates or whips back and forth
HOMEOSTASIS Nutrition Cytopharynx – mouth Food vacuoles – digestion and transport of food Egestion vacuoles - contain digested material Ctyopyge – release waste by exocytosis
LIFESTYLES Symbiosis – one organism lives in close association with another organism Parasitism – live in or on a host that is usually harmed Commensalism – one member benefits and host is not harmed Mutualism – both species benefit
PHYLUM SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Unicellular or lives in colonies Flagella and/or pseudopodia Autotrophic, saprozoic, heterotrophic One nucleus Sexual reproduction
PHYLUM SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Class Phytomastigophorea Euglena Class Zoomastigophorea Trypanosoma Trichomonas Giardia Leishmania Amoeba
Euglena Anatomy Make up a large part of the plankton of the oceans --> Make up a large part of the plankton of the oceans All algae contain chlorophyll and carry on photosynthesis Copyright © 1995-2003 by the Kent School District - All Rights Reserved -->
African Trypanosomiasis Commonly called African Sleeping Sickness Caused by protozoan Trypanosoma brucei Vector - seven species of Tsetse Fly
African Sleeping Sickness Life Cycle Fly bites infected mammal and ingests the parasites Protozoan multiply and develop in fly Fly bites human and passes on parasites Trypanosoma infect blood and spinal fluid Also contract through maternal fluids, blood transfusion, organ transplant
Tsetse Fly – Vector for African Sleeping Sickness
Typanosomes – Causes African Sleeping sickness Typanosomes – Causes African Sleeping sickness. Generalized pain, weakness, cramps and swelling of neck lymph nodes. Parasites invade all organs of the body including heart and CNS. The latter leads to apathy, mental dullness, tremors, convulsions and sleepiness, coma. There is rapid weight loss and death a few months later from malnutrition, heart failure, pneumonia or a parasitic infection. Trypanosoma
African Sleeping Sickness Infects 20,000 – 25,000 annually Causes 55,000 deaths each year Cattle loses amount to $2.7 billion a year No vaccine or drug for prevention Limited drugs for treatment Research and development of drugs by private sector are minimal because development of drugs in impoverished countries in not profitable.
More Trypanosomes
Trypanosoma cruzi in blood smears Trypanosoma cruzi in blood smears, Giemsa stain. but can present with manifestations that include fever, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, mild hepatosplenomegaly, and myocarditis. Most acute cases resolve over a period of 2 to 3 months into an asymptomatic chronic stage. The symptomatic chronic stage may not occur for years or even decades after initial infection. Its manifestations include cardiomyopathy (the most serious manifestation); pathologies of the digestive tract such as megaesophagus and megacolon; and weight loss. Chronic Chagas disease and its complications can be fatal. Trypanosoma cruzi in blood smears
African Sleeping Sickness Control Vector control through insecticides Protection against disease Avoid areas of high infection Wear thick, long-sleeved clothing Use bed nets Avoid dust and bushes Attracted to dust vehicles kick up Rest on bushes during hot periods
, B, C: Triatomine bug, Trypanosoma cruzi vector, defecating on the wound after taking a blood meal. The protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma cruzi, causes Chagas disease, a zoonotic disease that can be transmitted to humans by blood-sucking reduviid bugs.
TRICHOMONIASIS STD caused by the protozoan parasite Trichomonas vaginalis Effects 5 million Americans every year Infection frequently has no symptoms
TRICHOMONIASIS Infects vagina of woman and urethra (urine canal) in men Women – frothy yellow-green discharge with strong odor Men – mild discharge, burning during urination Can be treated with antibiotics (95% cure rate)
Trichomoniasis - Parasite Trichomoniasis - Parasite
Trichomoniasis - Parasite
GIARDIA Giardia lamblia infects the small intestine Become cysts that are excreted Transmitted by contaminated food and water
Diarrhea infected with Giardia This is an example of infectious diarrhea due to Giardia lamblia infection of the small intestine. Transmitted by contaminated food and water. The small pear-shaped trophozoites live in the duodenum and become infective cysts that are excreted. They produce a watery diarrhea. A useful test for diagnosis of infectious diarrheas is stool examination for ova and parasites. Diarrhea infected with Giardia
PROTIST FOUND IN TERMITES TRICHONYMPHA – PROTIST FOUND IN TERMITES These protists take in wood particles: in the picture of Trichonympha below, in the lower portion of the cell, you can see a mass of granular material that is in fact wood particles being digested. Trichonympha is only one of several such protists found in the guts of termites.
Trichonympha Drawing
Trichonympha Hypermastigid flagellates – large number of flagella
Trichonympha community
SUBPHYLUM SARCODINA Move with pseudopod Naked or with shell Most free living
Amoeba Anatomy
Paramoeba found in marine environments, or as pathogens in fish and shellfish. Observe the pseudopods extending out in front of amoeba, pulling it along.
Paramoeba – lost it’s pseudopod. Why? Environmental stress, put under coverslip.
Amoebic Dysentary Caused by Entamoeba histolytica Infection of the intestine Species spread through the blood to infect the liver, lungs and brain Parasites found in contaminated food or drink Mostly found in tropical regions
Protists with nucleus visible, flagella
DIATOMS CONTAIN DELICATE SILICA SKELETON Golden brown algae Two part shell of silicon (glass) Food stored as oil Responsible for most oil consumed today
PHYLUM CILIOPHORA Cilia for locomotion Rigid pellicle and fixed shape Distinct cytosome (mouth) Dimorphic nuclei Macronucleus for controlling cell functions Micronucleus for cell division
Paramecium Anatomy
PHYLUM APICOMPLEXA Parasitic with an apical complex to penetrate host cells One nucleus Cilia and flagella lacking except in certain reproductive stages Life cycle is asexual (schizogony, sporogony) and sexual (gametogony) phases
PHYLUM APICOMPLEXA Plasmodium – cause of malaria Toxoplasma - Toxoplasmosis
This is a thin film from a 27 year old female backpacker, with a recent history of trekking through Northern Thailand and high fever. Plasmodium protist invading blood cells.
Section of brain showing blood vessels blocked with developing P Section of brain showing blood vessels blocked with developing P. falciparum parasites (see arrows).
Anopholes mosquito, vector for malaria
Schizont in liver section. falciparum: exo-erythrocytic schizont P. falciparum ring form, thin film, Giemsa
TOXOPLASMOSIS Disease caused from ingesting parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Parasite found throughout world 3. Most people who are infected have few symptoms due to immune system Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects most species of warm blooded animals, including humans, causing the disease toxoplasmosis. More than 60 million people in the United States probably carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. However, pregnant women and those with
CONTRACTING TOXOPLASMOSIS Accidental ingest of cat feces Consuming partially cooked meat (pork, lamb, venison) Contaminated water with Toxoplasma Dirty cooking utensils Organ transplant or blood transfusion Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects most species of warm blooded animals, including humans, causing the disease toxoplasmosis. More than 60 million people in the United States probably carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. However, pregnant women and those with
TOXOPLASMOSIS SYMPTOMS Flu like Swollen glands Muscle aches Severe symptoms = damage to brain,eyes, other organs Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects most species of warm blooded animals, including humans, causing the disease toxoplasmosis. More than 60 million people in the United States probably carry the Toxoplasma parasite, but very few have symptoms because the immune system usually keeps the parasite from causing illness. However, pregnant women and those with
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects most species of warm blooded animals, including humans, causing the disease toxoplasmosis. Life Cycle: Toxoplasma gondii
Toxoplasm gondii in lung material Toxoplasma gondii in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) material from an HIV infected patient. Toxoplasm gondii in lung material
SLIME MOLD MOS `````` 00 +654455654545445TSRGSR6TSTTDRDTDYTRDXTRDXTDGFGFGJJHDGHDRTGFHFKJ656465+4545454545456153151515156468468648 4455448748445 54 6 645 65 5 546 45 345 456 453453 3 5345 FUCK FUCK TLY FOUND IN DECAYING WOOD OR COW DUNG