North American Network of Science Labs On-line (NANSLO) Paul Stacey, Pat Shea, Rhonda Epper 1 NANSLO Internet
In the beginning – a BC perspective … Space Science and Astronomy (SSA) Lab Science Courses - Entirely Web-based NIC’s SSA courses are taught from a remote community on the BC Central Coast and reach students anywhere there is Internet access The Labs are taught on-line using locally available materials and … 2
3 Tatla Lake On-line Observatory TLOO allows students to control a research grade telescope over the web. Space Science is multi-disciplinary, so how do we teach ALL sciences over the web?
4 Online Program Development $9 million ( ) 144 grants awarded ( ) 100% participation across the post-secondary system 83% partnerships - mostly inter-institutional but also with K-12, health authorities, not-for-profits, professional associations, e-learning companies, First Nations, foundations, amongst others. 47 credentials developed in whole or part via OPDF 355 courses, 12 workshops, 19 web sites/tools and 396 course components (learning objects, labs, textbooks, manuals, videos) developed across almost all academic fields of study 100% licensed all licensed as Open Educational Resources
5 The WASc Project proposes to make all first and Second year curriculum required for the Associate of Science Degree accessible over the Internet - including the labs! We have completed or are just completing the first and second semesters of Geology, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. How do we deliver the labs on-line? Some labs can be delivered using a lab kit, but some can’t. The science theory can be delivered on-line with relative ease, but the labs are more challenging. Web-based Associate of Science (WASc) Project CC licensed by ImageEditor
6 RWSL is a software and robotic interface students control over the web interacts with and manipulates remote lab equipment collects authentic real-world scientific data in real time The Remote Web-based Science Laboratory (RWSL): This is the concept that the NANSLO project will duplicate and further develop in Colorado
7 Lab Equipment Lab Equipment Internet RWSL Observation Data Manipulation Students Physics Air Track Sound Spectrometer E/M Apparatus Biology Microscope Chemistry Spectrometer Communications Data Acquisition Observation Physical Manipulation RWSL Overview
8 Pan Tilt Zoom Camera Inspection Camera Video Streamer Video Mixer Video Archive Observation
9 Robotic Arm Linear Slides Rotary Tables Slide Loader Physical Manipulation
10 Chemistry/Physics Spectrometer – properties of light such as intensity, polarization, wavelength LabVIEW Software Data Acquisition 1
11 Text Chat Skype Elluminate Communications 11 Lab Equipment Lab Equipment Internet RWSL Observation Data Manipulation Students Communications Data Acquisition Observation Physical Manipulation
14 North American Network of Science Labs Online - NANSLO British Columbia Wyoming Colorado Montana
15 WAVE 1 Open core courseware, blended learning, deeper engagement, learning analytics Oct RFP, April 2011 Award 600 applicants 50 finalists 29 grantees NANSLO – WICHE, CCCS, BCcampus NANSLO ~$750K grant 15 months April July 2012 follow on phase 2 grant fund of $5 million
- Describe initiative including funding sources, grant and partners WICHE & CCCS - Paul 16 NANSLO LOGIC MODEL part 1
18 Challenges/Opportunities Labs online Remote control vs. Simulations or Lab Kits Underwater submarine, Mars Rover, Remote surgery Technical Latency, bandwidth, need for development & production environments Faculty Support, buy-in, hands-on opps, commitment to teach Articulation and transfer of credit Agreements Authentic science experience Shared Service RWSL hosted as a system wide shared service Cost sharing – infrastructure & technincal support/operation Scaleability & network expansion