Year 9 Selecting Subjects Preparing for London O/L & Local O/L
Why is Year 9 crucial? Select a stream to major in Start preparing for their first public examination (IGCSE) Plan higher education and future careers
Why should they select subjects in year 9? Give them more time for preparation for IGCSE Give them the option of doing local o/L in order to broaden their higher education options Allow them to switch streams if necessary, at the end of first semester
What streams are available for A/Level at SSLSD? Science/Math Math Biology Chemistry Physics Commerce Business Studies Accounting Economics Art English Language English Literature Global Development/Law
What subjects will your child choose in grade 9? Biology Chemistry Physics Business Studies Accounting Economics English English Literature Math General Science Commerce ICT 2nd Language Religion Science Commerce Common
Why local o/L? & how does the school facilitate local O/L?
Higher Education is very expensive! Degree in Medicine costs QR per year Degree in Engineering QR to per year Degree in Business Management QR per year
If you opt to take your child to Sri Lanka after London IGCSE, you can: Do local O/L & A/L and seek admission to a local University Enter a college of higher education in Sri Lanka and follow a HND like; NDT, TTI, HNDE
How does the school facilitate local O/L?
Minimum requirement for local O/L is 5 subjects including Sinhala/Tamil, Religion and Mathematics We assume our students sit the following subjects: 1. Sinhala/Tamil 2. English 3. Mathematics 4. Science 5. Commerce 6. ICT 7. Religion
English, Mathematics and ICT local papers, only slightly differ from London papers and we make available past papers /specifications and help students study the additional areas We teach General science & Commerce local syllabus as common subjects for both Science and Commerce students We also teach Religion and Second Language aiming at local O/L If they do London O/L in May they have 5 months more to prepare for local O/L in SL
However we mainly teach London syllabus at school and prepare students for EDEXCEL exams We only facilitate students to do local O/L in order to give them more options
What do we expect from you as parents? Help your child choose a stream to major in Discuss with teachers if you need guidance Plan how you are going to fund their higher education Provide them with a supporting home environment for learning