Tobacco Control Operational Plan Vila Vasoodaven Healthy Lifestyles Partnership Officer Directorate of Public Health, Health and Social Care Commissioning
2 Purpose of today’s presentation o To consult on the Tobacco Control Operational Plan and it’s objective o To provide information on key issues regarding smoking rates/high risk groups in Arun o To identify areas where we can work together to contribute towards the action plan
3 Purpose of the report:- To reduce smoking prevalence and health inequalities associated with smoking How will this be done? Through the 10 priorities identified, which:- 1. Target the supply and demand of smoking 2. Address the perceptions of smoking 3. Rely on evidence and strong partnerships to deliver performance 4. Prevent the uptake of smoking particularly among young people
Why is tobacco control important in Arun? 4
1. High smoking prevalence in a number of areas within Arun 5
Reducing health inequalities is a priority for us all 6 Outcome Arun Health Inequalities Plan 2012/13 Tobacco Control Operational Plan Increased number of individuals who have made changes to their lifestyles. This includes routine and manual workers √√ Improve access to services by Eastern Europeans√√
Ten Priorities Working in partnership Gather and use the full range of data Use tobacco control to tackle health inequalities Deliver consistent and co-ordinated communication An integrated stop smoking approach Build and sustain capacity in tobacco control Tackle cheap and illicit tobacco Influence change through advocacy Helping young people to be tobacco free Maintain and promote smokefree environments 7
Joint working on tobacco control 8
Use tobacco control to tackle health inequalities ObjectivesActions Number of people from targeted groups accessing SSS services increased – BME groups, pregnant mothers, people in routine/manual occupations, people living in deprived areas, people with mental health conditions and young people Identify networks and community groups specific to target groups Increase the number of community venues for drop-in/group sessions in deprived areas and areas of high smoking prevalence rates. Contact workplaces to organise workplace awareness events and increase the number of referrals into SSS 9
An integrated Stop Smoking Approach ObjectiveAction Clear referral into services established for all partners Establish clear referral pathways for each partner based on the ‘Make Every Contact Count’ approach 10
Influence change through advocacy ObjectiveAction Tobacco control advocate identified Ensure all Alliance partners and relevant organisations have the knowledge to become tobacco control advocates and aware of where tobacco control feeds into their organisation Presenting and informing decision making groups eg elected members to gain their support in becoming tobacco control campaigners 11
Stop Smoking Services in Arun CLINICS We have services in GP practices, pharmacies and with the specialised service in Arun FUTURE PLAN We have a new staff member who is Polish – currently investigating setting up a clinic in Bognor Medical Practice as it has a high number of Polish patients Re-establishing a clinic at the Body Shop Factory Littlehampton Mobile units will be going into districts, particularly deprived areas to raise awareness of the service and encourage people to sign up 12
Stoptober is a national campaign to encourage people to quit for 28 days in October Last year, we had 167 people quit smoking during Stoptober. How can you get involved in this year’s campaign? 13
Contact Details Smokefree West Sussex helpline: – (for information, training, resources and to refer someone to the service) Tobacco Control -Public Health, WSCC:- 14