Introduction to Programming Writing Java Beginning Java Programs
Review of Lab 1 ► Built-in Types Integer types ► No decimal point ► integer math-op integer yields an integer ► byte, short, int, long Real types ► Have decimal point ► real math-op real yields a real ► float, double
Review of lab 1 Continued ► Java Variables Attributes ► Name ► Type ► Value Specifies where data is stored in memory Java requires that a variable be declared before it can be used. Declaration Form: ► Type variable-name; ► Can only declare once!
Review of Lab 1 Continued ► Variable Naming Conventions Start with letter or _ follow with any number of letters, digits, or _ Names are case sensitive Convention – variable names start with lower case letter. Names should be meaningful. ► sales ► noItems ► qtyOnHand Camel notation
Review of Lab 1 ► What is wrong? int firstNum = 0; int firstNum = firstNum + 1; ► What does the = operator in Java mean? ► What is the type of the result of double total, price; int amt; total = price * amt; ► What is wrong with amt = total/price;
The Semicolon Rule ► Always end a Java statement with a semicolon! Be careful! The interaction pane does not require a semicolon after each statement. In a program typed into the definition pane, Java does. In the interaction pane, typing a semicolon after a statement does not show the value of the result. Leaving the semicolon off does.
Object Variables ► Java is an Object-oriented programming language. ► We work mostly with objects. ► However, built-in numeric types are not objects. ie. int, float, double, … ► Strings are objects. ► String myName; myName is a reference to a string object Objects must be created before they are assigned. myName has the initial value of null (it does not reference a string object) Much more on this later.
Classes and Objects ► Classes are templates that define what objects look like and how they behave. ► An object is an instantiations of a class ► Class names in Java should start with a capital letter. ► Turtle is a class It defines object methods that let you use a Turtle object. //create a turtle object from the Turtle class Turtle myTurtle = new Turtle(myWorld); Turtle myTurtle = new Turtle(myWorld); Class name defines the type Makes a new object Constructor: Method that initializes a new obj.
Object (Instance) Methods ► The behavior of an object is defined by the methods that belong to the method. ► Each instance of an object has it own copy of all the methods defined in the object’s class that are not Class Methods. ► Turtle turtle1 = new Turtle(myWorld); Turtle turtle2 = new Turtle(myWorld); turtle1.turnRight(); turtle2.turnRight(); Note: both turtles have a turnRight method
Class Methods ► Some classes have define methods. ► java.Math Class that defines math functions to use Would not want multiple math objects that each implement an abs method. Class methods are methods that belong to only the class and hence there is only one copy of the method for all objects of the class. int myVal = Math.abs(-12);
A Basic Java Program // if you have to add import statements put //them here public class CS1Test { public static void main(String [] args) { public static void main(String [] args) { // put you Java program statements here // put you Java program statements here }} ► You will see what this is for in a minute.
Working With Turtles Example of using classes ► Get a world for our turtle to live in World csExWorld = new World(); ► Put a turtle in our world Turtle ourTurtle = new Turtle(csExWorld); ► Check the state of our turtle System.out.println(ourTurtle); System.out.println(ourTurtle.toString()); Paramete r that specifies the world to put the turtle in.
Talking to a Turtle ► When we want an object to do something we send it a message. ► Make the turtle wander around ourTurtle.forward(20); ourTurtle.turnLeft(); ourTurtle.forward(40); ourTurtle.turn(45); ourTurtle.forward(65);
How Do I Know What Turtles Can Do? ► The set of methods that define what a class can do is called an API (Application Program Interface). ► Java defines a special format called JavaDoc for presenting APIs. ► You can find a link to the doc on the desktop of the lab machines and at C:\JavaJars\intro-prog- java\bookClasses\doc\index.html.
Problem: Draw a square ► Describe how the turtle will travel in a square. ► Program Code: //draw side one ourTurtle.forward(100); // turn 90 deg counterclockwise ourTurtle.turnLeft(); // draw side two ourTurtle.forward(100); // turn 90 deg counterclockwise ourTurtle.turnLeft(); // draw side three ourTurtle.forward(100); //turn 90 degrees counterclockwise ourTurtle.turnLeft(); // draw side four ourTurtle.forward(100);
Reusing Code ► What if we wanted to draw a second square? We would have to retype the code a second time. Not good! Is not there a better way? ► Define a method that draws a square. ► We can invoke it every time we need to draw a square.
The drawSquare Method public void drawSquare() { //draw side one this.forward(100); // turn 90 deg counterclockwise this.turnLeft(); // draw side two this.forward(100); // turn 90 deg counterclockwise this.turnLeft(); // draw side three this.forward(100); //turn 90 degrees counterclockwise this.turnLeft(); // draw side four this.forward(100);} } Body of the method Parentheses required Opening and Closing Brace Required 1.Open the file found in C:\intro-prog- java\bookClasses 2.Put the method definition at the bottom of the class where the documentation directs. 3.Create a World, a Turtle, and draw a square.
How do we draw two squares? ► Call drawSquare() twice. ► What happened? ► Cannot call drawSquare again it will draw over top the square we have drawn. ► Need to move the Turtle before we draw again. ► How? Look at documentation Pen up Move to new position Pen down
Parameters ► How do we draw squares of different sizes? ► Observation: Each time we draw a square we need to change the 100 to the size we want. ► This could generate a lot of almost identical methods. ► Use a parameter to specify the width. public void drawSquare(int width) { … } Change 100 to width ► Call as: ourTurtle.drawSquare(50);
Draw the squares in Different Colors ► Back to the documentation public void setColor(java.awt.Color color) Need a Color object found in java.awt package Must import this package to use it Find information in Java 1.5 API Documentation ► Invoke ourTurtle.setColor(Color.BLUE); Draw a blue square.
How do you …? ► Save the program? Put it in a CSTurtleTest class ► Hide the turtle? ► Draw the squares at an angle to the window?