Reasons Why People Smoking and Ways To Quit By: Abbie Reeves
I am interested in this topic because I wanted to learn more. Most of the members in my family smoke. Interest
Why do people still smoke even though it causes cancer and diseases? Driving Question
People should not smoke because smoking forms bad habits, they can be harmed physically and mentally by smoking, and they will have a difficult time quitting smoking. Thesis
Important Facts Non-smokers have a percent risk of lung cancer from second hand smoking. Smoking counts for 90% of lung cancer in the US. Second-hand smoking causes 202,000 asthma attacks.
Summary People mostly start smoking because of few reasons. Most of the chemicals in cigarettes cause smoking, and many of the cancers can spread and become fatal.
Brochure After it was done, I gave them to: New Bern Surgical Associates. Website What I Did...
Impact My product impacts others because it's for everyone. I didn't just outline the reasons to quit, I outlined the reasons why people do. My website was to show people why others smoke. It was also to get people from smoking.
Mentor I had a mentor. It was really fun working with her. She helped with grammar during the process and keeping me on tract.
What I Learned... I learned how managing the time you get is important. I learned not everyone likes to be interviewed. I learned making a website isn't easy.
My product relates to my paper because I directly took my paper's information and put it into a website and brochure format. Connection Between Paper and Product
Successes I got my project done. Putting the interview together was easy. I feel the brochure really ended up nice. I had to switch everything from webbly to squarespace. I didn't enjoy writing the paper on my topic. Time. Challenges
This really has no impact on my future because I will not be perusing this topic as a career. I will be going into the medical field though. I will take away the fact the knowledge and try to help some of the people in my family, who still smoke and have smoked for a long time. Career and “Take Away” Thoughts
US Department of Health and Human Services. (2012, August 22). Food and drug administration. Cigarette Health Warnings. (2012, August 31). etteWarningLabels/default.htm "Tobacco Addiction" National Institute on Drug Abuse. National Institute on Drug Addiction, n.d. Web. 9 May ALS. (2011, June). American lung association. General Smoking Facts. Web. 31 August, figures/general-smoking-facts.html Works Cited
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