Click to edit Master subtitle style 10/10/09 Choosing an Interactive Whiteboard By: Jeannine Gannon, Melissa Sassaman, Erica Cruz, Lee-Ann Kuhn, and Julianne Zyla
10/10/09 What is an Interactive Whiteboard Interactive whiteboard is really 3 pieces of equipment linked together: Computer, Data projector, touch sensitive screen. This combination of technologies turns the interactive whiteboard into a very large computer screen. With a pointer, or even a finger, the user can write on the board or control computer programs. It is ideal for whole-class teaching as it removes the need to have large groups huddled around a single computer screen. Two types of boards : 1.“soft board” Use finger or pen – example is SMART BOARD 2.“hard board” Use only pen – example is PROMETHEAN ACTIVBOARD
10/10/09 Criteria for Choosing 1.Height of board 2.Access limited or restricted 3.Durability and stability 4.Ease of Software 5.Sensitivity of touch 6.Is it compatible 7.Warranty 8.Installation 9.Shelf life
Click to edit Master subtitle style 10/10/09 The Promethean Board can be used with Windows Vista, XP; MAC OS and Linux Ubuntu 8.04 Adjustable mounting system allows teacher to move the board up and down 2 feet for student/teacher adaptations. Two students can work on the board at one time. Promethean The Smart Board comes with three devices the students can use to participate in class an ActiVote, ActiVote VR, and ActivExpression. List Price $3,199.00
10/10/09 > Different curriculum toolbars available. > Correlative activities at State Standards. > Two students can be working on it at once. > Only compatible with PC not MAC Sale Price: $
Soft membrane over hard plastic backboard. Pressure activated. Finger can be used as a pen. Colored "dry wipe marker" style pens also provided. Removal of a pen from its tray switches it on. No external power supply required. Handwriting recognition and a basic on-screen keyboard included Unlimited on-site training Strengths - Simple to use. Ability to use finger as a pen is a significant feature Weaknesses - Robustness of the screen membrane may worry some. Low but acceptable resolution Interactive Whiteboard List Price:
Board of Choice *Although it may be complex for a beginner there is always Web help available. * The software package is nice because it can be started in beginner mode and advanced by individual teachers as required. * The Promethean Board can be used with Windows Vista, XP; MAC OS and Linux Ubuntu 8.04 * Ranged from $ $4000 * Hard plastic makes it less likely for little fingers to poke through.
10/10/09 Promethean Board Our #1 choice is the Promethean Board!