Requisition Training March 26, 2009 RAYMONDVILLE ISD
Requisition Procedures Inform your staff about these requisition procedures: Staff Meetings Word of Mouth See Local Policy CH (Local) Persons making unauthorized purchases shall assume full responsibility for all such debts.
Proper Planning Everything you purchase requires a requisition before hand. Start the requisition process 2 WEEKS prior. Items purchased for meetings/in-services. Meals for students and employees that will be traveling. Speakers that will be presenting to Students/Employees Supplies/Materials, Furniture, Repairs, Dues/Fees, all Travel items, Advertisements EVERYTHING! Entering a Requisition
Common Errors Spelling Mistakes Using the incorrect function code. Not enough detail on line items. Description information states too much info; Remember that the Line Items need to be more detailed. Proof read your requisition Use the Finance Resource Guide Answer the Questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? This should only state general items Ex: Supplies for Teachers, Travel for Employee, Meals for Student Travel Requisition Training Recommendations
For ordering items please make sure you ask for: Shipping Freight Discount Percentages Entering a Requisition Ordering Items
If the item you requested on the requisition are not available: Do not order an item of greater value If the item is not available and they have one but it costs more do not order that one. The only item approved is the one requested and for that price. DO NOT ORDER SOMETHING OF GREATER VALUE. Do not order any additional items Only the items on the requisition were approved. DO NOT ORDER ADDITIONAL ITEMS. Note: If items are not available or on back order do not wait for them. Order what is in stock and submit another requisition for items you are pending. Requisitions Entering a Requisition
Mileage must be requested on a monthly basis. When requesting meals make sure you enter the dates and times of your arrival/departure. When requesting meals make sure you separate employees from students. Note: Employees have a different reimbursement rate than students. Requisitions Entering a Requisition
Technology Supplies Printers Scanners Fax Machines Computers Monitors Cameras USB Pen Drives Laptops Projectors Software TI Calculators These items will require a quote from technology. Note: Do not contact technology for paper, staplers, hole punchers, etc…..
Stop stating a date by when you need a check If you are entering requisition in a timely manner you will not need to state that on a requisition. REIMINDER Checks are only processed on Thursdays. PROCESSING CHECKS
VOIDING CHECKS We will need a reason stated on a copy of the purchase order why the check needs to be VOIDED. This would also require a signature for authorization purposes. Examples: Voided due to inventory not received, voided due to merchandise out of stock, voided due to sending check to incorrect vendor, voided due to cancelling order
To modify a purchase order the following forms are required: Purchase Order Modification Form Copy of purchase order with changes Note: Please do not send the invoice and state that it is ready for payment. Make sure the difference between the Original PO and the Invoice received is the amount on the Modification Form. Located on Business Office webpage. Submitting a Modification Form Modification Form
Print out your budget. Check the balances. Use your report to fill out the form. Make sure you indicate whether you want a transfer or amendment. Transfers are within the same function Amendments are not within the same function and must be taken to the board for approval. Do not forget to put a reason for request or it will be returned to you. Note: Make sure the balances at the bottom of the form balance. Located on Business Office webpage. Submitting a Budget Transfer/ Amendment Form Budget Transfer/Amendment Form
Requisition Procedures Inform your staff about these requisition procedures: Staff Meetings Word of Mouth See Local Policy CH (Local) Persons making unauthorized purchases shall assume full responsibility for all such debts.
All vendors need to be either member’s of Co-Ops or awarded bidders for the District. CHECK THE PURCHASING WEBPAGE PURCHASING CO-OPS