Alternative Energy Resource For Northern Ireland What is the Best Choice? By Michael Hegarty, Caolan Doherty, Aidan Mallon and Joshua McConnellogue 9E
What is it?????? We think that Nuclear Power would be the best alternative energy resource for Northern Ireland.
How Will It Work???? Nuclear Power is generated by splitting the atoms of uranium rods. The split atom produces energy which heats water and (much like fossil-fuel powered power stations,) the steam given off turns a turbine. Although there is no uranium in Northern Ireland, we can trade with the Germans, Hungarians and maybe even the North Americans, as they have a good amount of uranium mines.
Advantages????? Nuclear Power produces a large amount of energy from the smallest amount of uranium, so as well as saving resources, it will be cheap enough to import because we don’t need a huge amount. It does not produce air pollution and produces very little waste.
Disadvantages????? There is no perfect energy resource, so Nuclear Power does have a couple of disadvantages. For example, the small amount of waste that is produced is radioactive, and if something goes wrong, the consequences could be disastrous.. Chernobyl Power Station. Could Northern Ireland end up like this?
Why Choose Nuclear???? Nuclear Power is better than the oil, coal and gas power stations in Northern Ireland because- It produces less waste, and pollution in general Less resources are used It is more environmentally-friendly As long as the government helps, it should be able to run smoothly and safely It is far more reliable than other alternative energy resources
Summary Nuclear power is generated using uranium Uranium can be imported from Germany and North America Little waste, although it is dangerous waste is produced No air pollution Huge amount of energy from a small amount of uranium Government needs to fund safety More reliable than other alternative energy resources We believe it is the thing we need to meet our electricity demand in Northern Ireland