Presented by: Loma-Linda Tasi Whitireia New Zealand And Eseta Finau, Sipaia Kupa & Abel Smith Pacific Nurses Section (NZNO ) HOW PACIFIC NURSES CAN HELP PACIFIC PEOPLE TO QUIT SMOKING?
BACHELOR OF NURSING PACIFIC Pacific Heritage Pacific Health Pacific Leadership (Nursing) Treaty of Waitangi Nursing Knowledge Therapeutic Communications Bioscience Applied Bio-Nursing Nursing Practice Reflective Practice Research
SMOKEFREE/AUAHI KORE AOTEAROA NZ 2025 “ Lets have doubled the quit rate, even more for Maori and Pacific” Ben Youdan, ASH NZ 2012 To get smoking rates under 5% for all New Zealanders we need: - Nearly half a million fewer smokers - 1 in 4 need to be Maori (125,000) - 1 in 10 need to be Pasifika (35,000)
PACIFIC PEOPLE AND TOBACCO CONTROL INTERVENTIONS Figure 1. Support for key tobacco control interventions by Pacific peoples and European/Other smokers in New Zealand "High support for a tobacco endgame by Pacific peoples who smoke: national survey data." Wilson, N., R. Edwards, et al. (2010). New Zealand Medical Journal 123(1316).