CHAPTER 18: LIMBIC SYSTEM Abdullah Tawakul Neurology AHD March 2ed,2011
Anatomical and Clinical Review Limbic functions can be divided into..
Anatomical and Clinical Review Limbic cortex..
Limbic structures
This myelinated structure projects between the hippocampus and mammillary body? Optic radiation The Fornix Corpus callosum Internal capsule external capsule
What are the C-shaped structure that follow the curve of the lateral ventricles ? The fornix The Cudate nucleus Corpus callosum
This radical surgical procedure has been used to control violent, antisocial behavior? Frontal Lobectomy.
Amygdala composed of three main nuclei ? Corticomedial Basolateral Central
What are the diencephalic structure involved in limbic system? Hypothalamus Thalamus : MD and Anterior neuclus Habenula
The brain stem nuclei that are involved in limbic system? Interpeduncular superior central dorsal and ventral tegmental parabrachial periaqueductal gray reticular formation nucleus solitarius dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
Olfactory pathway..?
Name three Intracerebral vascular lesions which could lead to memory deficits? Rupture of A-com aneurysm ( basal forebrain, medial diencephalon, and frontal lobes) Top of the basilar artery lesions (Bilateral medial temporal or medial diencephalic supplied by PCA) Artery of Percheron lesion.. single paramedian thalamoperforator artery (Bilateral medial thalami)
What are the three components of the hippocampal formation ? Dentate gyrus The subiculum The hippocampus
This cortex is unique among sensory systems that it receive direct input from secondary neurons without an intervening thalamic relay? The primary olfactory cortex.
Which region of the parahippocampal gyrus serves as the most important relay between the hippocampal formation and association cortices? A) Piriform and periamygdaloid cortex B) Entorhinal cortex C) Parahippocampal cortex D) Perirhinal cortex E) Orbital frontal cortex
List the synapses of the perforant and the alvear pathways? Entorhinal cortex >Dentate gyrus >Hippocampus (CA1&3) >subiculum > Entorhinal cortex Subiculum > Entorhinal cortex.
Compare explicit and implicit memory ?
Match function for each of the following structures? Medial temporal lobes Verbal fluency Right temporal lobe Task switching Left frontal lobe explicit memory Dorsolateral frontal lobes visuospatial memory
Name all the structures and the connections involved in the Papez circuit?
Which syndrome is caused by bilateral lesions of the amygdala and adjacent temporal structures and What are its main characteristics? Kluver-Bucy syndrome: Docility, non-aggressive behavior Hyperorality Hyperphagia Hypersexuality Visual agnosia Memory loss
What is Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome?
Deficiency: Incidence: Clinical pic: Pathology: Amnesia: Thiamine deficiency Alcoholics and patients with malnutrition. Confusion, opthalmoplegia, ataxia….coma Mammillary bodies necrosis. Anterograde and retrograde.