Coal NonRenewable Advantages: Produces a lot of energy, easy to find and obtain. Disadvantages: Burning coal produces air pollution.
Oil Nonrenewable Advantages: produces a lot of energy and easy to obtain. Disadvantages: burning oil produces air pollution.
Natural Gas Nonrenewable Advantages : produces a lot of energy and easy to obtain. Disadvantages: burning natural gas pollutes the atmosphere. Not as much as coal and oil.
Propane Nonrenewable Advantages: portable/ easily moved Disadvantages: burning propane pollutes the atmosphere.
Nuclear Nonrenewable Advantages: produces HUGE amounts of energy. Disadvantages: waste is radioactive.
Biomass Renewable Advantages: Saves landfill space . Disadvantages: Air pollution ( Less than fossil fuels) , Smells bad.
Hydropower Renewable Advantages: Does not produce air pollution. Disadvantages: Displaces wildlife and habitats.
Geothermal Inexhaustible Advantages: Does not produce air pollution. Disadvantages: Locations on Earth
Wind Inexhaustible Advantages: Does not pollute the atmosphere. Disadvantages: Wind is not always blowing.
Solar Inexhaustible Advantages: Does not produce air pollution. Disadvantages: Cost of photovoltaic cells.
How power plants produce electricity.