!!!SMOKING!!! Kelly Laity This is why you should NOT ever consider smoking!! I believe that cigarettes should be illegal… and that would make 48 percent of men and 12 percent of women much healthier, and prevent lots of avoidable deaths.
Percent of Population that Smokes by Gender: 22.3 percent are male smokers percent are female smokers. Smoking Statistics by Age: Ages 18 to 24 years - 22 percent Ages 25 to 44 years percent Ages 45 to 64 years - 21 percent Ages 65 and over - 8 percent Smoking Statistics by Race: Blacks percent American Indians percent Asians percent Hispanics percent Whites percent Smoking Statistics by Education Level: 44 percent of adults with a GED diploma 33 percent of adults with 9 to 11 years of education 11 percent of adults with an undergraduate college degree 6 percent of adults with a graduate college degree Smoking Statistics by Poverty Status: 28.8 percent of adults who smoke live below the poverty level percent of adults who smoke live at or above the poverty level. SOME FACTS American Statistics
!!SMOKING SHOULD NOT BE BANNED & CIGARETTES SHOULD NOT BE ILLEGAL!! “some people are lead to believe the smoking is impossible to quit.” “Smoking makes the smoker feel calm and happy”
STOP SECOND HAND SMOKING “When you smoke you inhale up to 4000 chemicals, Enough to make you sick?”
…and that’s only a few…
STOP SECOND HAND SMOKING …Second-Hand Smoking Kills… …second-hand.smoke.kills…
Here is a video showing how smoking isn’t all about you. You might not care what happens to you in the end, but you loved ones DO!! 45secTVC.mpeg/$FILE/45secTVC.mpeg
…Thank-you for watching my talk about smoking, and I hope you enjoyed it, and have realized how smoking WILL affect you… BIBLIOGRAPHY