What is Verification? Verification is confirmation of eligibility for free and reduced price meals under NSLP and SBP. -Verification is not required for CEP schools or DC students. -Verification activities begin on Oct. 1 and must be concluded by November 15 th.
A Look at the Verification Process Create your Sample Pool and determine verification method Process information via CNIPS Know Your Verification Method Standard, Alternate One or Alternate Two Method for Sample Size Select Applications for Verification Based on Method LEA confirming official reviews selected applications LEA chooses to replace applications or proceed with verification process Conduct Confirmation Review/Replacement Applications Send notification to household regarding verification selection Collect acceptable written evidence Notify Households for Verification Verify evidence submitted by household Follow-up with household if adequate evidence is not provided Conduct Verification Check to see if change in benefit level occurred Notify households of results and appeals procedure if necessary Determine Verification Results Report information in CNIPS Report Verification to SCN
How Many Applications Do I Verify? The verification sample size is determined by your verification method. You can find your approved method on your sponsor application. Sponsor Application Will notify sponsor of which method they may use for the current school year Verification Report Will notify sponsor of what they may use for the upcoming school year based on the current year’s results.
Verification Methods Standard Take 3% of total free and reduced applications on file as of October 1. Always round up to nearest whole number. 101 applications on file x.03 = 3.03 = 4 Pull from error-prone (an application where the income is within $100 per month of the applicable IEG) first. Alternate 1 Take 3% of total free and reduced applications on file as of October 1 Alternate 2 Take 1% of total free and reduced applications on file as of October 1 Plus ½ of 1% of applications approved by the LEA as of Oct. 1 that provide a case number in lieu of income information.
Confirmation Review A Confirmation Review must take place after application has been selected for verification. This is just a second party review to ensure that the determining official made the correct original determination. Helpful Hint: Use a different Color pen for confirmation review signature!
It’s Now Time to Notify the Household The LEA is required to send a letter informing them of their selection for verification and the types of information acceptable to the LEA. Prototype is listed on the SCN website along with all required information.
Acceptable Source Documentation Written evidence: pay stubs, award letters from welfare department – Written evidence must contain the name of the household member, amount received, frequency received, and date income was received. EBT cards cannot confirm eligibility in SNAP. Collateral Contact- can provide information regarding household income, but should only be requested when written evidence is insufficient. Agency Records: may be used when the LEA has legal access. Acceptable documentation of income or receipt of assistance may be provided for any point in time between the month prior to the application and the time the household is required to provide income documentation.
Verification Completion Demonstration of CompletionFollow-Up Action if Required The household submits adequate evidence of income or categorical eligibility. Verification is considered complete. The household submits adequate evidence of income which indicates that the child(ren) should receive a greater or lesser level of benefits. Verification is considered complete when the notice of adverse action is sent or the household is notified that its benefits will be increased or decreased. The household indicates that it no longer wishes to receive free or reduced priced items. Verification is considered complete when the notice of adverse action is complete. The application provides case numbers and it is determined that no household member is receiving benefits from an Assistance Program. Verification is considered complete when the notice of adverse action is sent.
A Change in Benefit Status? Notice of Adverse Action All households for whom benefits are to be reduced or terminated must be given 10 calendar days’ written advance notice of the change. Verification Result = Higher Benefits If verification results in higher benefits, the change is effective immediately and must be implemented no later than three operating days. Parents should be notified through whatever channels the LEA uses to notify the household of approval of benefits.
Verification Result and Household Notification The LEA must notify the household once the verification process is complete. A prototype is available on the SCN website.
Verification for Cause LEAs have an obligation to verify all questionable applications. Complete applications that indicate a student is eligible to receive free or reduced price benefits must be approved. Verification begins after the approval. To verify an application for cause, the LEA must send a letter informing the household that it must submit eligibility information for continued benefits. Any household that fails to submit information or if the information does not support the initial determination, the LEA must send a notice of adverse action.
Record Keeping Documentation must be kept to demonstrate compliance with the verification requirements. The LEA must also be able to demonstrate compliance with the confirmation review requirements. For each application, the LEA must keep records of the source of information used to verify the application. For example: –Copies of relevant correspondence between households and LEA can be documents submitted by household or reproductions of documents.
Record Keeping LEAs should also record any change in eligibility as a result of verification procedures, the reason for the change and the date the household was notified. Finally, LEAs should also record: –Any additional information necessary to show the effort made by the LEA to meet verification requirements –Title and signature of the verifying official –Criteria for replacing applications for verification LEA’s will be asked to provide this information for each school selected for an Administrative Review.
Reporting in CNIPS All verification reporting to SCN will be conducted via CNIPS and the FNS 742 form. Training will be available on this process.
Thank you! Contact: Katie Embree-Cleveland